BBC iPlayer, curse you and your late uploads. It took forever to download the episode last night, which is why Lookalike and I had to watch it in streaming on the actual website, and that's always a risk.
Spoilers abound!
Best thing to come out of The Curse of the Black Spot was Rory's semi-death. Because it toppled over what happened last year, when he died and was erased and instead of trying to do something, or even being allowed to, Amy just let the Doctor carry her away into the TARDIS. But not this time! :) It was lovely, if a little unrealistic, to see her CPR Rory back to life, lovely to see her actually not giving up. And despite the bad comments I've seen on this, I think there's a perfectly good reason for the Doctor not to try and help Amy in resuscitating her husband; yes, the Siren has given her consent to let Amy treat him, but the Doctor never 'signed' the form so all that would have happened would have been to get the Siren back on Rory's case if the Doctor had tried to help.
HologramDoctors are sticklers for rules. Watch Star Trek: Voyager.
And did you get the slight hint in the name? Siren, instead of mermaid or whatever else, like the siren of the ambulance. I loooove when people are clever with names. Also, the little hints given in the ep that the TARDIS has more rooms (*coughAmyandRory'sbedroomcough*), so that the audience will not go :O next week because the console room is what we've been shown so far.
Best line ever: "Oh good, for a moment there I thought it was yours!" ♥ Matt Smith, your delivery is made of win!
My brother, when and if he watches this episode, will love it. And I think that's true of all episodes like this one - my mum watched Victory of the Daleks and commented that meh, it was a bit childish, and boom! my brother fell in love with the Daleks. And Spitfires in space. I predict the same process for pirates in space. :D
I am not very into pirates myself, so the techno-twist was the part I enjoyed the most. As cool as it is, pirate lingo confuses me; though, nice to learn about 'magazine' since the corresponding word in French and Italian actually does mean 'storeroom/warehouse'. :)
The linguist in me is happy.
Having said all of that, the unresponsiveness of Lookalike to just about everything in the ep makes me think that it wasn't that great. Great moments, yes, but I think I saw a gleam in his eyes only when Schrodinger's Pregnancy came up again. Ah well.
NEIL GAIMAN IS NEXT! I have read the article on The Doctor's Wife in DWM and I think I screamed halfway through a particular line from the ep. I'll try to scan the article and share it with the interwebz.
I seriously need to get back to writing my essays now. :(