TPBoD - Oblivion (aka the stuff that happened before)

Aug 26, 2007 00:57

Since people over at TPBoD have asked about it, I decided to post a summary of the unwritten First Arc of TPBoD.

It mostly deals with Vexen and Marluxia, and it's not necessary to know of it to get into TPBoD - Renegades; parts of it will be glimpsed through flashbacks and general references, and that's about all.

Since people wondered about it, though, I figured it would be a good idea to make a post with it somewhere, to refer people to if they want to know what happened before.
Since it's not technically part of the Renegades Arc of TPBoD that we're writing over there, though, I decided to post it in my own journal instead.

Here goes.


Everything pretty much starts with Frozen Oblivion.
Marluxia, as newly installed Lord of Oblivion, uses ruthless and calculated sexual harassment to make sure that Vexen, technically being the one with highest rank (and probably most rancor about Marluxia's higher position) in the castle won't ever dare challenge his position.

Vexen is shortly thereafter forced into a very nasty deal, where Marluxia has meticulously uncovered every little transgression and ulterior motive he's ever pulled and threatens to take it all to Xemnas. Marluxia has thus succeeded in establishing his unchallenged position, and conveniently also acquired fun blond plaything to be called to his chambers at his leisure. It's still all about the powerplay and the joy of breaking a superior member - and one of those who showed the most open contempt for the neophytes in the past at that.

This becomes a ritual that goes on for quite some time. Marluxia is always playing the excellent host, with their little more or less strained conversations over tea or coffee taking place quite often, almost always followed by less pleasant things in Marluxia's bed.
Vexen hates it, and probably himself for being coward enough to let it go on. Of course this little deal itself gives Marluxia plenty of blackmail material should he ever need to remind Vexen who's in charge.

First sign of change is when Vexen is called to Marluxia's chamber late one night after having worked very hard on his latest project for days at an end, and is about ready to sleep for a week. Trying to argue with Marluxia never works, though, so he resigns, as usual, and hopes it will at least be quick so he can go sleep. Having an unusually relaxed and mellow Vexen to play with rather intrigues Marluxia who decides to play it gentle, which in turn ends up surprisingly pleasant for both of them.
Vexen is probably horrified when he wakes up next morning (in Marluxia's bed in the thankfully empty room, no less) to realize that Marluxia's unwanted touch can be pleasant. Marluxia, in turn, is quite intrigued by how much more compliant and even willing Vexen can be if treated right when caught in the right mood.

While it's still all about the powerplay, this begins a new stage of the twisted relationship, where both parties will occasionally find their meetings quite pleasant. Vexen is horribly in denial about it most of the time - as Marluxia probably is about quite enjoying the challenge of trying to make Vexen... comfortable.
Vexen is not used to physical intimacy, and is quite horrified to realize the things Marluxia has awakened in him. That going to Marluxia's quarters is not always done reluctantly, to catch himself all but looking forward to it. Marluxia in turn is equally reluctant to admit he's growing very fond of their meetings - curvy Larxene and hot Axel aside, there is just something about those bony hips and intense bitter eyes and... well. Who knew the bony old goat could be quite addictive?!
(Here we have, for example, Two for Tea.)

While all this is happening, no one else really realizes what's going on, although of course there may be stray rumors and musings.

A breaking point comes when Vexen manages to uncover parts of Marluxia's ulterior plans for Oblivion - that he intends to lure the Keybearer there to enslave him and turn him against the Organization.
No real proof to back his suspicions up, the stray leads he DOES have might well be enough to have Marluxia removed from power at the least, executed at the worst, if brought before Xemnas.
And Vexen himself probably couldn't say why it seemed like a good idea to just... wait a little longer. Just a little longer, before going to Xemnas with the information he found. Perhaps it's not all that important, after all. So very little proof.

So the strange little game goes on for a while longer, until Marluxia (as Marluxia is wont to do) does something stupid or other, to make Vexen angry enough to snap.

Unexpectedly enough that Marluxia has no time to react he neatly freezes him and quite literally drags him with him to The World That Never Was and tells Xemnas everything he knows about Marluxia's schemes and ulterior motives, fairly certain it's the last he'll ever see of a certain Assassin. Marluxia plays it cool and gives him a final kiss - "Last wish of the condemned, my dearest? It seems I underestimated you."
So Vexen goes back to Oblivion and busies himself horribly with work, still refusing to admit to himself he's shocked at what he's done and that he'll probably actually miss the vile bastard.
The vile bastard shows up again a few days later, though, looking not too worse for wear, having managed to smooth-talk his way out of any accusations, being re-installed as Lord of Oblivion, but with Xemnas keeping an eye on him (the charming VIII getting a new bunch of orders in the process).

So starts the next stage of the intricate little 411 dance. Suddenly they're on fairly even ground - Marluxia knows he can't really run to Xemnas with any dirt on Vexen, since that would just look suspiciously like childish revenge. And Vexen... finds himself occasionally dropping by Marluxia's rooms anyway, for one purely work-related reason or another. Perhaps a cup of tea. Perhaps some wild messy passionate sex all over the floor... Anyway.

And things slowly and delicately settle into new routines. It is enjoyable, even if the powerplay is always there... It's more about the triumph of getting the other to moan than scream with pain. Quite consensual if very competitive bouts of sex, and those discussions over a cup of tea actually being meaningful and enjoyable, not just an act as a part of Marluxia's original little game. Things work.
Until Marluxia, being Marluxia goes and does something stupid again.
It's boring with Vexen willing and predictable. He rather enjoyed bringing that aloof man to his knees. So he goes and finds himself some more blackmail material, and takes it much, much too far, possibly without even realizing.
And Vexen is furious, at Marluxia for being such a complete ass, and at himself for realizing he's started to trust the other enough to feel betrayed.
And about then, we get news that the Keybearer is finally approaching.

And Oblivion's stress-levels skyrocket. Everyone's at everyone else's throats, the backstabbing is taken to new heights - and then everything goes horribly, horribly wrong.

(All also summarized neatly in Lovely.)
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