The New Year Is Here!!! =)

Jan 01, 2012 23:55

Popping by LJ for the first time in 2012 just to say...


2011 hasn't exactly been a great year, but it wasn't bad either. Kicked off the year with my dad reading me predictions for my year based on the Chinese zodiac. Apparently 2011 was supposed to be a somewhat rough year for me. For the most part, things turned out okay, but my grades took a slight dip compared to last year. For the better part of the year, I also saw a recurring theme of my life being a series of missed opportunities (which isn't exactly good since I end up beating myself up over the "woulda, coulda, shoulda's" - the 'what ifs' always cut rather deep). More on that in a private entry at some point. On the bright side, I continued to meet new awesome people, got closer to certain friends (sadly I did drift apart from others as well). I got my first job here in Aussieland. Travelled to some rural areas and hit up the Sunshine Coast for the first time. Continued to save money at the movies, but spent way too much on everything else. Hit 6000 tweets on Twitter. Joined the gym and worked out for the first time since I came to Australia. Finally got my hands on some Nice Guy t-shirts. Attended my first ever concert courtesy of The Script. Met David Choi and Jayesslee!!! I ALSO FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PLAY MAHJONG!!!!~ WOOT! That has been something I've been trying to do since I was little haha.

Time to take a look back at the new year resolutions that I made last year and see how I fared overall...

1) Be more physically active. I need to lose an additional 5 pounds to get to that weight range I desire haha. That being said, I'm not overweight though lol. Fun fact: I did lose 9 pounds compared to the same time last year and I didn't even work out at all! =P Must the Australian water or something... - Partially achieved! - I joined the gym and have been doing an hour of cardio on most days of the week. I lost a bit of weight but definitely not the 5 pounds that I was hoping to shave off though.
2) Be more confident and socially active. I need to meet more people. Nuff said. - Partially achieved! - I did meet more people. No guarantees that they actually want to hang out with me though... For some people, it's just all talk and no substance.
3) Update LJ a bit more regularly. I have to admit, Twitter has sucked away my LJ time lol. - Not achieved - Sadly I left my LJ to gather dust while Twitter continues to suck away my time.
4) Try to keep in touch with everyone! I've been ridiculously bad with my high school peeps, so I kinda lost contact with some folks. - Partially achieved
5) Find a job related to my studies! If all other resolutions fail, this is the one I need to stick to! ACHIEVED! For once I actually decided to take action and 'seize the day'. It certainly paid off since I got the job!

Time to make some resolutions for this year?
1) Continue to be physically active. Definitely need to shave those extra pounds. I'm tired of people seeing me as a chubby person anyway. I realize I'll never be as good looking as certain actors or models out there (so I'll likely continue to have trouble getting girls' attention), but it certainly doesn't hurt to be healthy!
2) Update my blog more regularly. I know I've sort of lost the joy in blogging about my daily happenings as well as writing up those long thoughtful entries, but this LJ will always be my space to vent, so I should probably have something to remind me of my thought processes throughout the year.
3) Watch more movies! 2011 had been a record low for me in terms of attending the cinemas or just watching films at home. I can't call myself a moviebuff if I can't keep up with the releases!
4) Do some recordings and learn how to play the guitar!
5) This last one I'll keep to myself. If I can achieve it, I'll be extremely happy. That's all I'll say for now.

This year will also mark the last year of my program in university. A very big decision is coming my way at the end of it all and I'm trying to piece together all the pros and cons. I feel conflicted, so I'm not sure what to do as of now. Should I base this decision on the people around me or base it simply on my career alone? Decisions, decisions.

That's enough about me. Alright peeps, once again, I want to wish you a happy new year. Let's hope for an awesome 2012!  Let's also hope that the world isn't gonna be ending this year as well.

public entry, happy new year

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