Aug 19, 2007 08:14
Alright, well, figured I would update. For starters, I guess I should say that I am a father. I have an 11 month old son named Lucas Nathanial. I actually wasnt even sure he was mine until I recived the results from a praternity test in mid May. His mother is Lisa, and concidering just the way she is naturally, as well as our previous history, and the events immediatly surrounding when he was concived, lead me to believe that if she didnt cheat on me, then at the very least she probably orcastrated his conception purposfully. In any case, it is a fact, and mistake that i now have to live with. I pay childsupport, and i see him as often as i can. He really is a cute little guy though. he's already walking, and can say some words. No matter what happens, i do love him, even if he was not planned, expected, or wanted.
Schools going fine so far. getting really tired of it though. I've never had this much continuous school work before, even at MSOE, in addition to holding down a full time job. Im getting really tired of writting papers too. *sigh* but oh well. You do what you have to do.
I've been having to spend alot of money on my truck recently. I threw a tie rod end (on my birthday no less) and had to have it flat bedded and towed to a dealership across town to have a friend work on it. My rotors are going, and i have been having difficulties with the rotors i ordered to replace them, they kept getting back ordered. as soon as they do come in though, i have to get them replaces ASAP. I blew a fuse to my electric fan, which wasnt as bad a problem as i though, it was an easy fix, but it caused agrivation. I also have been replacing shocks cause their worn, modifying the air bag springs to work better, and i have to service the diffrencial too. oh yeah, and the computers acting weird, not ideling right or something. hope its nothing big *slams head on desk repeatedly*
Christine's going off to Florida for 5 months. She took a job at disney world where they send her to school, and she works at the park as well. some kind of work place learning? I dont know. dont really understand why she's doing it.
And then their is the whole relationship situation. basically I have gotten to the point where i am in limbo again. Lisa is a deffinatly NO GO, Im not even sure what i really saw in her in the first place anymore. I am still plauged by my feelings for Lis, which are Imposable to shake, and make her refusal to even talk with me all the more painful. No other relationships even seem remotly on the horizon. tried the and Yahoo personalls thing, no bites by any im interested in, no real bites at all really. There is Teresa, the sister of a friend of mine's boyfriend, but my friend still refuses to let me meet her. (even though she is the one who originally suggested that we might make a good couple). Its darn anoying. So, im basically just trying to coast through life as peacfully as i can right now. I just wish i had a good girl by my side. That always makes a HUGE diffrence, *sigh*. ah well, think 'happy thought' right? :-)
Oh, BTW, that secret stuff is a load of BS. at least thats my personal prefrence. good advice for just living well and not thinking depressing thoughts, but the whole " you can get what ever you want just be thinking and wishing for it thing?" yeah, thats a load of fecal matter.