Bored still.

May 21, 2008 12:29

Yes, it's that time of day. Jessie has looked at everything there is to look at online, and now she's going to bore y'all with random blabbering.

As usual, after spending more than 30 minutes in the company of my delightful coworkers, I want to go home and never come back. They're all acting like two year olds. Or, more accurately, like spoiled 12-year-olds. They're taking pictures with their camera phones, and posting them on MySpace, and gigging and generally making me want to hurt them. (I'm just waiting for them to start braiding each other's hair.) Earlier, the two coworkers I generally don't want to strangle were pissing me off too. There were only three of us on the phones right then. So what do they do? Call each other on our business phones and talk about random crap. For 15 minutes. Meanwhile I'm taking phone calls. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

I should've brought my Germany guidebook to read through today. So bored.

Next week is a three-day weekend. So that's good. It gives me time to clean my apartment. That sucker is getting disgusting and cluttered. I really want to go by the (cheap!) furniture store I like and see if they've got a desk or table I could get to put in my apartment. If I can get a tall table, I could put that in my kitchen and move my current table into the living room. (After finding something valuable to hold hostage to make my parents help me move it, of course.)

I'm so annoyed that I can't spend my money (cash money, not the credit card) because I have to hang onto it for the car. I may not even need all of it. But I'd like to get that new table, and I need a new bed still, and I'd like to get a real dresser because the plastic drawer thingy isn't working out well and is causing my clothes to be strung out all over my apartment. In fact, I think that's priority 1. I can survive the stupid bed for now, but the clothes are getting annoying. And it's about time for there to be lots of sales on for Memorial Day. (If I can get the parents to go by there.)

You know what? I hate people. All people. First, before I even got logged in this morning, I got harassed by Debbie about the procedure for checking the status of stuff. This is stuff that I 1. put on the content website, and 2. sent out a reminder email for, less than a month ago. Then, just now, I got asked by a coworker "How do you cancel Form ###?" I had the gall to direct her to the document titled "Form ### How to Cancel" on that same content site. She does this all the time. Would it kill her to at least check existing sources before asking me stupid questions? And she is also awful about waiting until I go on my second break and then asking me a billion questions. I'm going to start flat-out refusing to answer anything when I'm not officially "here". And when something is already on the site? I'm only giving them the document name, instead of the answer. They can learn to use the fucking site I created.


Okay, feeling better now.

Lawrence is much better now, by the way. It's a decent enough town after all the stupid students leave. Less traffic, less cars, less lines at stuff...Of course, soon the K-12 schools will be out for the summer so we'll get to suffer through kiddies everywhere.

Mom and I have vague plans to go see Indy some time in the next week or two. I'm sure immediately after she'll bitch for two weeks about the theater being too loud. And about the prices. But for the duration of the film, it'll be fun at least. Maybe I can get a few hours off of work and we can go to a matinee.

Oh, and my cousin is doing Confirmation this weekend (yes, the preacher type was dumb enough to schedule it for the Sunday before Memorial Day). My aunt invited all of us to attend. Heh. Sorry, but I'm washing my hair that day. All day. I'm sure I'm on her shit list. I don't go to Boy Scout stuff and I don't go to church stuff. I have severe issues with both groups. I do not support indoctrination of children into either of their ranks. Why would I go to this thing? Of course, I'm not allowed to mention my issues with either group around her or her kids. Heaven forbid they learn there are other viewpoints out there in the world.

I don't worry about Josh. I think Josh will grow up to be a pretty good person, with a fairly open mind. Chris? That kid is headed for being one of those lovely WASP types who bury their heads in the sand about everything, thump their Bible at anyone who will listen, and avoid "Them" (whoever society deems to not be "Us" at that point in time.) at all costs. I don't anticipate us getting along well as he grows older. (For one thing? Once they both hit 18, the whole "Don't tell your cousins you're an atheist" thing is going out the window entirely.)

Anyway. I find myself sorely tempted to go fire up Diamond Mine and zone out for the next hour. I've run out of news to read. Not that there's anyone around here to discuss it with. Most of them couldn't even find Myanmar on a map. Hell, some of them couldn't find China. I also need something to distract me from those tasty potato chips sitting in my lunchbag. I'm hungry. And they're the evil Cape Cod potato chips, which are the only chips I've ever found where I can sit down and eat half a bag without even trying. Evil, evil things. (But far better than those greesey abominations I bought last week because they were on sale. *gags*)
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