Geena Davis, Sailor Moon, and Power Rangers

Jun 07, 2010 23:45

So, I just found out that back in 1995 (I know, it's over and done, who cares? I DO RIGHT NOW) that Geena Davis was considered for the role of Queen Beryl in a live-action adaptation of Sailor Moon which was scrapped during conception. I am devastated!

I love Geena Davis. I LOVE Sailor Moon. And Beryl was my favorite character (Pluto is still my favorite scout...even though she no longer has a planet, but Beryl is so cool). Putting the three together would have MADE my childhood. Like...seriously.

I would have bought that movie (even though I was 8 in '95 so it's more like I would make my parents buy that movie) and I would have worn out the VHS tape and cried for years until it came out on DVD where I could buy it and watch it every week until my DVD player broke.

You have no idea how sad I am that this never happened. Oh well, at least I had the awesomely bad Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie to make up for it.

Also, I didn't know that my favorite actress on Leverage (Beth Riesgraf) is married to Jason Lee...huh.

life, general, fangirling, fun stuff

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