It has been a weekend of band stuff. How much is hard to say as most of my weekend has floated between several states of different types of band work. By the time we hit the venue on Friday night for the GLJ gig things were ticking over nicely. Not a bad turn out in the main for just over 2 weeks notice for the gig. The promoter at the Casablanca didn't even do any work for it except putting up a handful of posters 3 days before han. It was amusing listening to him lie about the amount of flyering he'd done. As I told Michael - next time he wants to come to Bristol he might want to consider either
mr_ant or myself as promotion as the guy who'd done it for this gig upset the venue so much that they cancelled all his forthcoming gigs by the time the night had finished.
The sound was the best I've possibly ever heard from a sound guy - who was in himself a very pleasant and amenable chap. We burnt through a set which was cut a little short but only due to the fact that the opening band had gone on late and the venue were 'itchy' over getting the headline band on. Still a good length of set that went down, dare I say, as the best of the night.
We rolled out and home. The next morning
oryctolagus was ill with a flu like bug and indeed has stayed ill through til today.
Sunday was the World Premiere showing of the Carnival Noir video. Standing room only by the time we'd finished getting everyone in the Full Moon auditorium. A really great turn out and everybody loved the video. Made the 5 days of filming, 150 hours of editing/post production and the £1700 worth while. And then it has bled into today. The day of the first Download Single. Go to the website and see the video (low-res only I'm afraid) but still there none-the-less. Download and buy the track. Make my day. Tomorrow I'll be pushing it out to news groups and LJ's and the like.
The single is here
The video is on the
Cauda Pavonis site. I shall try and get a slightly better low-res version up in the next couple of days.