
Oct 10, 2007 13:31

Hello, my name is Aubrey, and I have a problem.

I do not take care of myself. I do not go to sleep when I should. I beat myself up internally over this. I pick at myself both figuratively and otherwise, which is both disrespectful to myself and to my Creator. I allow myself to procrastinate and put off, all the while feeling guilty and tortured.

I have sunk so far as to feel in control by procrastinating and putting off sleep, as if these were healthy choices, when both behaviors only hurt me. If I am not careful it will begin to really affect my life. It puts a strain on my body, mind and my relationships, and it needs to stop. I need to *really* take care of me instead of just going through some of the motions and giving piecemeal, half-assed efforts.

And no, this time I am not being too hard on myself. I have to be so I can fix this problem. It is one thing to sit up late occasionally finishing work and doing it well; it is another entirely to watch as time ticks by and doing nothing about it.

What good is knowing all the stories in the world if you cannot live your own.
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