Sep 18, 2009 09:10
Sorry about the break there for a couple days, I have been having long days! So basically when I get home from work my brain is mushy like an old banana.
Update: I have been eating better.. not really, but I Downloaded the Lose It! App from apple and I have not exceeded my daily calorie intake the last few days! Mostly cause I haven't eaten much the last few days, but I have been busy.
Also I have not had a chance to go out for a walk the last two days because again... getting home late I am pretty much ready to crawl in bed.
Today's blog comes in 3 parts: Children raising children; Boys and their toys; Skills/talents lost over the years;
Part1: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things"
I had a dream last night about Jordan's father. In it highlighted all the many things in our relationship, which were childish. How we interacted, thought processes, and overall disposition.
It is impossible for a child to raise a child. His current live-in girlfriend was 16 when she had her child. They have had many problems in their relationship because of the level of maturity between them.
As a general rule, when something ‘impactual’ happens in one's life, it tends to stunt emotional growth. Usually, I have observed, the most impact happens when people are teenagers, because so much change is occurring. If one event or series of events occurs it has a chance to impact emotional growth on some levels. Having a child at 16th is along these lines.
Additionally, Jordan's father had an impact experience in his teen years. His best friend died in a car crash. One of his good friends was in the car at the time. That guy was never the same. Additionally, many things that Jordan's father does, are regressed versions of himself relating to his son.
This situation is less then ideal, as it is simply a 'buddy' relationship. There is no serious parental pull in that relationship.
I look back on some of the things 'we' used to do as a family, and I realized that it was doomed. Had we still continued to be together, now we would have problems with Jordan. Fortunately one of us did the growing up.
I no longer entertain childish behaviour. And frankly I look at it when it occurs now, and it's so strange. For example, on Jordan's birthday, they threw a party for him at their place. Jordan opened his gifts, and I can not say how out of place it looked when his father turned into a 29 year old 2 year old, and said "Uh, Toys, lemme see" and proceeded to enact a 2 year olds gestures and body language.
One thing that is common amongst all living beings, is babies are cute. It’s one thing that keeps the parents from eating them shortly after birth. They are helpless, and cute.
Older children, around Jordan’s age, resort to using ‘baby voices’ and doing baby things because psychologically they want their parents to look after them. It makes them feel secure because it is something they are familiar with. They spent 2-3 years being a baby, but only a few months being their current age.
A grown man with a child, regressing publically, spells failure for parenting.
How is this man ready to be a parent? How does he have any concept of what is appropriate? Well the answer is pretty clear, that he doesn't. Else all the things that happened to Jordan over the past year wouldn't have happened.
I foresee problems, more of them. But at least one of us, has put away childish things.
Part2: Boys and their toys.
So Scott admitted to buying 3D glasses. But he’s not the only boy who invokes the ‘toy phenomenon’.
One of my exes old friends, likened buying video games, the equivalent of shoes for women. In fact, that is how the conversation would start, “I went shoe shopping yesterday…” then they would proceed to list the titles of video games they purchased.
My dad is the same… he is a toy guy. He finds the silliest little toys in the strangest places and buys them on an impulse.
A few examples of toy buying; my dad was in Costco and saw guitar hero on sale, he bought it. I came to visit him and he showed me a small robotic bug that had antennae. When the bug ran into something the antennae would flex and it would slowly reverse for a few steps, turning slightly, then continue on it’s way.
I don’t know if there is anything that I buy on an impulse the same and guys buy ‘toys’. Other then buying cleansing products at The Body Shop, but I use the tea tree line for my complexion, so it’s not exactly impulse, nor un-needed.
I’m not sure why men seem to be prone to this behaviour. I can think of a few women who have 300 pairs of actual shoes, but those don’t really qualify as ‘toys’.
Part 3: Lost Skills and Talents
So in response to Scott’s proposed topic, I too have lost html, php, and css syntax. Additionally, I used to know a lot about cars, sound systems, TV’s, cameras and computer hardware specs.
All of those things are progressive learning. New syntax/specs come out all the time, in fact it can be argued that every 3-4 months something new rolls in. So it’s no wonder that taking a rather long vacation (15 years on the car front and 3 years on the html etc front) will set you behind the bell curve.
As for actual skills at things, I have always been good with my hands, no puns intended. I suppose it’s why I am in my line of work. I can figure out how to fix something or narrow down the issue. All it requires is good observation skills and attention to detail.
Attention To Detail! Last night in my rather long business meeting, they mentioned my name for kudos on “Attention To Detail”. I have it, I use it, no joke.
I used to be able to skate and I used to be able to rollerblade. Mostly I am afraid of falling now. I never did like heights. But I guess I have also lost that ‘no guts, no glory’ attitude when it comes to doing questionable things that can physically hurt you.
I used to be a big tomboy, covered in bruises, scrapes and dirt. Today, if I so much as pinch my finger I’m ready to cry… ok maybe not but I’m a big wimp about it. It just seems to affect me more.
Proposed Topic: Super heroes and nemeses’. Why do the villains always think they can best the super heroes? And when have you ever seen villains, who say ‘Oh Shit, you’re batman, I’m not going to fuck with you!’
Inspiration: Comic books, tv miniseries, movie sequels.