In the tradition of Comic Book Universes...It's time for a reset

Oct 01, 2008 23:07

It has been 27 weeks since I last wrote in that journal. And a lot longer since I've written an entry about my personal self (more than 2 years). Looking back on it, I've only posted memes, con plans, tests and the like, and that's if I posted all at all. I would share why I hid for those years, but it would make this entry far what I set out this entry to be, which is a proclamation that I am going to start being a little more active in daily affairs. (And this extends to other areas, too.)

Also, I plan on locking all of my other entries when I get the time to. I want to start over with this journal, and reading back on my past entries, I want to put the past behind me. Not because I want to run from it, but I want to keep it where it was...the past.

Why am I doing this? Simply put, I want to keep a log of the next calendar year. I want to see where I am going to end up when this decade ends. I want to see how much better I can make my life truly become as 2010 approaches, and as my 30th birthday approaches. Also, I want the input of others who I truly value for their intelligence, sincerity, personal beauty and strength. However, I want that input, not so I can do less work in this next year, no. I want that input so I can make my own decisions in the best ways possible.

The next couple of entries (which will be friends locked) are going to detail as to why I've been absent, and what I've learned in that absence. I think I'm now at a place where I can explain why, and can have others understand my reasons.

This has been another SilverPhoenix Journalcast. Till next time, see you all on the big stage.
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