I've been wanting to do this entry for quite a long ass time, but now I really feel is the time to do this entry, as I really want to begin to sum up this era of my life, and use what my experiences to make the rest of my life better
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True. But that's like saying you shouldn't date, because you once dated a girl that brought out all the worst traits in you. You're close, you shouldn't date that girl, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever date. The problem was the girl, or with your expectations of the relationship, or whatever, but not the activity. Same with cons. Some people can enjoy cons, enjoy them a lot, and have them be their main form of entertainment, and still manage to balance out the rest of their life fairly well. Some can't. They're the ones that should step back and re-evaluate. Although to be fair, it doesn't hurt for anyone to examine why they do what they do, from time to time.
Of course, there are going to be some opinions that are going to get to you more than others. So much so that bring you to a boil, and you just reject the opinion.
I don't agree with rejecting the opinion outright, but I don't see anything wrong with evaluating the opinion and rejecting it. Some opinions are just stupid. I know that's incredibly un-PC to say these days, but it would be like somebody believing, seriously, that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world, or that Santa Claus is real. Not all opinions are equally deserving of respect.
What i was going with that one, is that I had (and still have, a little bit) a tendency to try to argue with someone to get them to agree with me. However, I learned that trying to change someone's opinion by arguing with them, is as effective as a water gun against a tank. It never works.
I don't think that's true either--if I did, I wouldn't have responded in the first place. If someone has a good argument with points I can't refute, you might get me to rethink my position--I used to be Pro Life way back in high school, and now I'm Pro Choice. That's just one example, but I'm sure there are others. And even if you can't get them to change their mind, the exchange of ideas can help both people refine their positions to the point where they understand not only each other, but themselves, better.
When I wrote that, my motivation was to say that "you can't just sit around a computer all day", you need to go out , and experience life head on.
Granted. Although I think it would be interesting to try to define what parts of life you're referring to exactly.
In further review, what I meant to say was that "to get what i want, I need to be a bit more against the grain than other people."
That's exactly it. Or, to use your original words, but tweaked, "If I try to squeeze myself into what 'they' say is 'normal', I will end up losing."
And even then, you agreed with 92% of my points. So I'm pretty happy with that target.
::laughs:: Yeah, I thought that percentage was pretty good too.
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