Things that made me happy this week!

Dec 15, 2009 23:58

- Many, many adorable faces made by Karl Urban in a picspam by affectingly

- I posted some "Illustrations" for thistlerose's fic, Bloom and Grow yesterday.

- Go vote at frontier_lims. (I don't mind saying that this week, cos I'm skipping.)

- Cutest ever Questionable Content today. Go Roomba! Go!

- While about 50% of The Guild is lost on me, it is very cute and I've been loving the Fawkes/Codex UST. So this fic was exactly what I was looking for. Embrace the Fear, or There is No Surge Protector for Your Heart by halfpenny-press.

- Very sad and sweet Supernatural baby!fic. No Need to Say Goodbye by ibactress. (Warning: Character death).

- A Good Omens/The Dark is Rising Crossover by daegaer. Enough said.

- An awesome James Bond fic, using the idea that James Bond is a job title, not a single person.

- Mint brownies via Robin McKinley's blog. Yummy! I used this Brownie recipe (without the cream cheese), because I knew that it worked).

- Gorgeous and funny silhouettes

- I've been listening to audiobooks and podfics a lot recently while working and this news article made me smile.

- And finally, a podfic recommendation. Reparations (Harry/Draco) by saras_girl and read by 6shotamericano.

links, karl urban is ruining my phd, harry potter, recs:fanfic, food, supernatural, the guild, recs:webcomics

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