(no subject)

May 06, 2008 22:38

I am home! blind_go fics are up, thanks to the heroic efforts of tarigwaemir. I feel like I didn't contribute much to this round. *sigh* But all the fics are great, so go read & guess!

Schedule for next semester:
AHI204 WAT, Mythology In Ancient Art, W, 1700-1940
AHI206 HUA, Intro To Chinese Art, T, 1800-2050
CHE201 A, Organic Chemistry, M W F, 1100-1150
CHE201 R_1, Organic Chemistry Rec, R, 1700-1750
CHE201 R_8, Organic Chemistry Lab, R, 1800-2050
CHI201 B, 2nd Yr-1st Sem Chinese, M W F, 0945-1050
ENG398 MVO, Journalism, M, 1900-2140
JPN201 B, 2nd Yr-1st Sem Japanese, MTWR, 1500-1550
PGY300 , Human Physiology, M W F, 1300-1350
PGY300 R, Human Physiology, F, 1400-1450

Notes to self:
MTH 306 Intro Diff Equations LEC T R 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM 205 NSC Reineck, J F & recitation
<-- possibly drop one of the AHI or CHI & take.
Research Sat 1- 4 & possibly T/Tr if I can find another lab. I need to send those emails ASAP. *headdesk*

I also might have a quasi-date (my first one!) on Thursday. I don't know why I want to be in a relationship now, but we'll see how things go. Advice would be appreciated! Since I prefer romance to be in fiction, not my real life, and to quote xkcd "my normal approach does not work here".
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