Just when you think you know what to look out for.

Mar 09, 2010 17:36

Just had an ... interesting ... moment on the bike.

Turning left at a T-intersection, I'm coming off the terminating road and stop at the left-hand slip-lane to wait for a break in the traffic going by.

A moment or two passes and I feel something brush past my left foot. Now, I'm unaccustomed to feeling anything through bike boots, so I turn back from looking at the traffic coming from my right to see what it might have been.

To see the tyre of a black Honda Accord just roll over the edge of my boot and the **expletive-deleted** driver who has run along the gutter to get around me (on the inside) craning their neck out the window trying to look past me at the oncoming traffic.

Now I know a lot of bikes 'filter' through traffic, running down between the lanes at lights. There are safety reasons for and against this practice but I personally don't do it simply because it is illegal in this country. I've never seen a rider do it on a turn like this though, and I certainly don't expect to be endangered by a car driver doing it!

The driver took off as I was yelling and gesturing at them, and having missed that break in the traffic I wasn't able to catch up with them by the time the next one came along. That's probably a good thing though, as I would have hated to have to explain why my size 11 boot print was in their car panel.
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