Phone Messages

Feb 17, 2010 11:18

Messages left on a phone at work...

Option 1.
Hi, I'm not sure if you're the person I need to talk to to book a lab; (I am); but in case you are I need a lab for this many students at this time. Could you let me know if this is okay or if I need to speak to someone else.

Option 2.
Hi, I'm not sure if you're the person I need to talk to to book a lab, so could you try to call me back on this number or this one or this one, and I'm not going to tell you when I'll be at each number or when I'll be on class and uncontactable. Anyway, call me and tell me if you are the person to book labs through and then I'll call you back later when I have my diary with me and tell you what time I want.

And people wonder why I want permission to automate the booking process.
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