Dec 04, 2010 05:39
Warning! If you do not believe in God or you have a different faith or opinion I understand... please no nasty remarks as this is from my heart and spirit... Please be kind with your words and opinions as you want to be said about your beliefs of any kind..
Recently my mind has been more in tuned with my faith in Islam... Especially in finding out homosexuality is not prohibited in Islam in itself, its only prohibited in the (Persian/Arab) people culture. It's gotten to the point I am starting to not fear death for the first time, and how it would be an honor to meet the creator aka GOD.
Aside of that being religious I found out Islam is just a bonus point for gaining access into Heaven and that Hell is for murderers, rapist, war lords, ect ect not for people being different in heart such as gays and people with different political ideals that do not induce corruption (Genocide and such.) Really the faith asks not to spread corruption, and in my opinion its what our laws of today asks us to do to keep the peace between people.
Thanks to KelbAlrai and Neonknight, they are slowly reteaching me the value of Islam nearly from the ground up. I was cowering in fear from being taught that God hates all accept the sinless followers that do his exact words. Now a new light appears in my heart that god is the most merciful. Heck, Neon even told me hell is not forever (for most) that it was made to cleanse souls of sin (Such as rape, murder, torture ect ect) before they can be admitted to the heavens. Those commit severe sins like genocide stay forever(Such as Warlords, General Morgan, and killer dictators, Saddamn Hussien, Adolf Hitler ect ect.)
For the first time I live life without fear! I feel so liberated I feel FREE! Knowing my faith of choice is flexible. It even says in thee Quran recognizes Christianity as another faith to slavation. Koran 3:64"People of the Book come to common terms between us and you that we worship none but God"
So in all conclusion, I do not feel fear anymore that shaky feeling under my skin as I feel my dark thoughts consume my mind. I think my bond to God has gotten stronger than ever before. When I think about god before I sometimes had panic attacks thanks to extremists teachs in my mind. Now when I think about God... I know a new hope awaits for me and for all alive now and in the future for all. Peace, equality, hope.
I will finish this with my honest opinion. Honestly I think it doesn't matter what faith you choose, as long you choose it to make yourself a true good person to yourself and to those around you. Like How I choose Islam because I believe it has the keys to unlock good potential in me.
"Every prophet and every saint hath a way, but it leads to God; all the ways are really one." ~ Jalal al-Din Rumi