Jul 22, 2011 17:26
Ready or not, it's time for an update. I feel like I've been living under a rock, though a rather happy rock for me. The end of June found me in New York City, right on Times Square, for the national RWA convention. I won't bore y'all with the details as most of you aren't romance writers, but here are a few highlights:
1) Getting caught in Times Square during a "suspicious package" incident. Met a lovely guy from the Wall Street Journal who was reporting "live" via his Blackberry.
2) Afternoon tea at the Ritz Carleton amid a frenzy of Justin Bieber sightings. (He was staying there but security whisked him out the back way.)
3) A long meeting and hike along the High Line Park with an editor I'd love to work with. Based on that meeting, I'm currently heads down on a project with an August 1 deadline--self-imposed but I want to strike while the iron is hot, as the old saying goes.
4) A long meeting with my agent discussing my career, the state of current submissions, the new "sekrit project" and the timeline for other projects to get off the back burner, drawing board, or other production stage and into her hands.
And that, ladies and gents, is pretty much the state of me. The weather is hotter'n hell, we're in a Stage 4 (Exceptional) drought around here. Life is pretty centered around letting critters out, standing at door to let them back in ASAP, and sitting under the AC writing. Not a bad life, in my estimation, but certainly boring for anyone who might drop by LJ to see what's up with me.