Ha! That got your attention. LOL. As for the unbreaking news...
The Only had her follow up with the plastic surgeon today. He removed the stitches and seemed pleased with her progress. Next week, she'll start some massaging exercises to ease the muscles in the lid to help relax them. She and Baseball Boy on are fall break but she's making up missed hours for her museum internship due to the surgery. No sleeping in for her.
I finished this round of edits on FAERIE FIRE and have shipped it back to Ms. Editor. Fingers crossed there won't be any more work to be done and it will head to copy editing and production. I'm still waiting for my cover art. Once I have it, I'll share!
Saturday is the monthly meeting of my local RWA chapter. Monday, I start jury duty. Yeah. I'll get to catch up on my reading next week. Me seated on a jury? Not gonna happen! Not with my employment background, and married to Lawyer Guy? In between catching up on my TBR pile, I hope to get some character sketches and plot outlining and research done for my NaNoWriMo novel.
While I'm off doing my civic duty, I'm going to be doing something fun over on
Penumbra. Check out Friday's post to see what's going on. The "contest" starts Monday and once all the BS is done while I'm gone, be sure to check back on Halloween. :D
So...that's what's up in my world. I hope all of you are doing well.