By the time she sees this, her special day will be over her time, but there's still couple of hours to celebrate here statesside, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
klepsydra. May this new year of your life be filled with joy, wonder, adventure, and a fulfillment of your heart's desires!
In other news...I heard from my editor today. The release date for FAERIE FATE has been moved up. Ebook and print will both be available April 9th. I know the world is waiting with bated Needless to say, I'm a bit excited. Edits for FAERIE FIRE continue and I plan to have them done by next week. Jury duty starts the following week. Oh, joy. Please note the sarcasm. With my background, my chances of actually sitting on a jury are between slim and none. I still have to get up, put on real clothes (Oh the life of a writer when I can schlep into my office in flannel jammie pants, tank top, and fuzzy slippers), and park my butt in the jury room.
Tomorrow, The Only has her final (hopefully *knock wood*) surgery. The plastic surgeon will fix the lid to help with her peripheral vision and to restore symmetry between the shape of her eyes. Early morning appearance at the surgery center.
That and flooding rains are what's going on in my world. Hope the rest of you are doing great!