Picture from the A--- Gardens

Apr 20, 2012 22:26

I went to investigate the library on P---- Street today, about a half hour's walk away, because they had promised they had piano practicing rooms, under "Features at this library". I am without a piano for what looks like a long while to come, so I am jumping on any opportunities that come by. The music department flatly refuses to lend time to non-music students.

A: When I have to travel before taking pictures, I should put my camera case inside my backpack, so that it is not immediately obvious to anyone who has eyes that I'm carrying a thousand-dollar camera (I have a DSLR). Especially when I have never been to said place before.
B: I should shoot with higher shutter speed. I dragged down the ISO, and tried to compensate, but my hand is not that steady D:

So then anyway I got home (the piano was not available until at least six and I was not going to walk back again) and started developing them in Lightroom. Things went swimmingly and I consulted many many Adobe help topics. I've had Lightroom since September, and I still haven't explored everything it's got. If you get a chance to use it to develop photos, I highly recommend it, but there's definitely some futzing around required first.

After going through the set twice (once to flag and select photos, the next to crop), I start in on adjustments. Around the fifteenth or such photo, I suddenly realize that I have f.lux on, and it's night time.


Anyway, I turned it off and blinked in dismay (and also in reflex, because the sudden change in colour temperature will do that). I went back and half-heartedly re-adjusted my adjustments. Bleh*. Most of them look weirdly too bluish, and I can't tell if it's actually too bluish, or whether it's still my eyes adjusting. Also after staring at pictures and moving sliders in miniscule increments, everything looks fake.

RAMBLING ASIDE - I have pictures. It is 1 am and I have been working with this set, editing and trying to figure out how to publish - since four, so none of these have commentary. Well, except that the light was very good so most are just a crop and a bit of contrast adjustment, and oh right there's one with desaturated green (you'll see it easily - the flower really looks bright).

*This explains why the temperature adjustments seemed necessary! *facepalm*

Crosspost: http://silverflight8.dreamwidth.org/106727.html.

another episode in the idiocy department, my post has gone for a walk, trying to be clever and failing, photography

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