Moving on to the raising of generation 2! Photoshop was throwing a hissy fit at me while I was trying to fiddle with the preview picture for some reason. :| I will never understand technology.
So, quick recap: Canadia and Terrell had twins Venus and Aphrodite (Generation 2 is based on Valentine's Day). And if you can't guess why I named them those names, how they heck did you ever pass ancient history, sir/madam?
Ah yes, we left off with this. u_u I'm just lucky that Canadia's and Terrell's work schedules work so that we don't have to hire a babysitter. WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE, TERRELL. It's only going to last 4 days or so, which is what, 4 years in Sim time?
Oh yeah, Canadia also had another bun in the oven. And looks like that bun is ready to come out! Push from your plumbob, Canadia! YOU CAN DO IT!
Welcome to the world, little Valentine! You thought I would name him Eros or Cupid, didn't you? I took the other predictable route, thank you very much! I thought it'd be nice to name him after the good saint himself! And nothing says he can't have some lovely cherubim curls later.
... Aaaaand the only thing Terrell gave him is his hair colour. Seriously sir, isn't your skintone supposed to... you know, DOMINATE? I swear those are his kids. ._.
About time too, because Canadia hasn't been to work in 3 days and she's still working behind-the-counter jobs. You will never be a money-grubbing socialite at this rate!
Terrell: Hi son! I don't know why you're in such an unmanly pink crib.
Because I was too lazy to download something pinker. :P No seriously, I was considering it for this generation.
Yeah well, someone's gotta do it! I'm surprised he hasn't rolled any fears over having babies, to be honest. Could it be that he... wanted children? A Romance Sim? NO WAI :O
Venus looks like she's plotting something. I better check the bathroom and make sure there isn't a giant puddle around there or a tower of rotting bottles ready to be toppled over. :T
I don't care how young she is I DON'T TRUST THAT FACE
The girls are actually pretty normal. They eat, sleep, poo and they've learned the three toddlery things I feel compelled to teach all my toddler Sims. If one of them never learns how to walk, talk or use the potty I feel guilty afterwards.
NO MORE BABIES YOU TWO! *jabs finger* We don't have the financial means and I mean it! You use your Simmy contraception and then you can do it however and how many ways you want, upside down, twisted around, over the hill and down the creek... just no more babies!
We need more family friends! Terrell has four already and Canadia has... one. Woman, why are you picking your nails when I'm trying to get you to socialize? It's like you don't want to get your LTW or something. :|
Dost mine eyes perceive sparkles? Aye, they do, they do! I'm so excited at Sim birthdays. 83
And yes, this just shows you how uneventful their toddlerhood was.
I know! I'm as excited as you, Aphrodite! 8D Asdljs;gljfs;g I Canadia just blew all their savings on new outfits for the cheeldrens!!
Since Venus is a redhead, I thought that red would suit her better. And look at her, so gorgeous! <3
Apart from the hair, Aphrodite is the spitting image of her sister. I dressed her up in pink because I think it compliments her blonde more. :)
Such pretty kids <3 I don't know who I want to be heir! And then there's still Valentine to consider.
Canadia's anxious face is a constant reminder of how financially in the red we are. She keeps rolling wants to buy all these expensive things and those wants stay unfulfilled. If she has a breakdown, it ain't my fault. Just so you know. >_>;;
Who can jump the highest and touch the invisible ceiling?
Canadia: Bye girls! Have a good day at school!
Aphrodite: Oh God, Mom's in her barista uniform and everyone can see, this is so EMBARRASSING DX
But Aphrodite needs not fear any taunts for she has just been made First Chair percussionist! Huzzah! And she got money to boot! You are now my favourite child! *hugs her screen*
Look who was walking by! It's Ornella Constantine, of a dead legacy I had started 2 years ago! This is more for my benefit than anyone else's. Now that I'm looking at her again, I have to say that she's kind of a scary hag. O___o
Augh Terrell, why you so cute with your daddy love? >w< *squishes*
Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays! He looks just like his sisters, nothing new here. To the mirror with you! *whisks away*
See? Little red cherub curls! Now he can totally be Cupid! If I had downloaded an outfit
Terrell: Once upon a time, there was a cute little bear-
Valentine: *imitates The Thinker by Rodin, pondering the deeper metaphors the bear represents*
Oh yeah, the whole "not afraid of having kids thing?" The fear popped up a few hours after Valentine's birthday. I think Terrell realizes how much money they don't have. Unlike SOMEONE. *gives Canadia the stink eye*
A closer look at Valentine's heart-filled onesie. That's right, this is where our money is going, to show that each generation has a theme. I REGRET NOTHING
Terrell: Our funds being down to $150 has nothing to do with the fact that the kids have new clothes, right?
Canadia: I have no idea what you're talking about :D *keeps playing with Valentine*
Aphrodite: Daddy, look at me! Look! :D
Terrell: Sweetie, Daddy needs to skill so he can get promoted and maintain all of your expensive needs.
Venus: *groovin' like only a Sim can*
Terrell: What is this dick-fiddlery? D:< I can't concentrate!
I'd be upset too if I were nearly broke, poor fella.
Smustling: the ultimate Sim thing to do. Every time someone starts a smustle fest it's like my finger on the 'C' button gets into seizurely fits. The FACES, OMG THE FACES THEY MAKE <3
Since I can't rely on Canadia to make friends, it's up to the kidlets and the people they bring home! You take that pillow like a MAN, Venus!
*no one listens*
Le siiiiigh... Oh well... They were too busy playing with each other to notice and the skunk went away, so we avoided a traffic jam for the only shower in the house. One shower/five people. I think you see my dilemma here.
So we finally had almost $2000 in the bank when this chance card popped up. I figured I'd make Terrell warn the band.
I'm not happy about this either, believe you me.
Even less so if I wake up to see my mother's arse in my face. Poor Aphrodite.
Venus: I don't like this at aaaalllll D:
I think Terrell has given up on life at this point.
At least he and Canadia can find solace in each other. The kids... well, therapy is free in the Sims and the doctor drops from the sky.
Pardon my French but FUCK YOU NANNY, THOSE $40 ARE OUR LIFELINE FOR THE DAY. Meanwhile, I'm praying for promotions at work and no stupid chance cards.
While the adults are busy making money, Venus helps by making more friends! :D
While Aphrodite gets high off the fumes of a questionable salad licks a plate clean. Everyone's doing their part!
Venus wants to become an actress and win a Simmy award someday. With your gorgeous looks, you're sure to get noticed, honey. <3
Aphrodite: Here, I can totally teach you some words! :D
Valentine: Leave me be. I want to be alone! ALONE with my bunny! *cue Phantom of the Opera music*
True story: I have a friend who, once, when we were on a trip who got pissed off when we didn't cook him breakfast. He shuffled upstairs in his bathrobe and slipper and started playing loud organ music angrily. It was hysterical.
Mother-daughter dance combo of awesome! Except you still can't dance, Canadia.
Yesssssss, birthday time!
Man, he's pretty.
I love this autonomous action. Every time a Sim does it, I snap a picture. If it happens a lot in this legacy, y'all better be squeeing right there with me! :D
Gossiping about your sister? Aphrodite, I'm appalled! (Weeelll... would the real Aphrodite gossip about the other gods? I think so. What else did she do apart from receive offerings like a mofo, cheat on her husband and brush her hair?)
... OK, now I'm really curious about this juicey info on Venus. Please tell me guys, pleaaaaase?
Well, maybe next time.