My Thoughts on the Doctor Who Series 7 Finale

May 20, 2013 00:17

Ok, it's been over 24 hours, but I still have a lot of thoughts and feelings and fangirling flailings. It was one pretty epic, mind boggling and heartbreaking, epic episode. Definitely up there with one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes ever.

So, below are all my random thoughts, which are still not that articulate, even after a day thinking about it all!

Ok, firstly, I’m not very old school Dr Who, I did watch a few when I was younger, but can’t really remember them. The last I even vaguely remember is the one with Paul McGann. So a lot of the past references were completely lost to me. But I did love the references from the rebooted Doctor Who, particularly for the library episode. But more on that in a minute. And even though the footage was kinda dodgy, it was fun seeing all those past doctors and a brief run through of the last 50 years. Gearing up to the 50th anniversary nicely. And I think that's why this episode was more about the Doctor and his life and more emotional/character driven than plot/action driven, like other finales. It was preparing the show for the 50th, where I'm sure we'll see much bigger effects and more action and crazy, mindblowing plot twists which will be epic beyond proportion, even for Moffat! And I think he was saving the best for that.

Not that I minded the lack of action or effects, and I liked the simple plot. In fact, I loved the character development we saw here. Seeing the Doctor so vulnerable, so emotional was quite something and I'm glad we got a few mysteries solved. And the Time Lords tomb, and what happens when they die, is really interesting. And that it was his name that opens the tomb. That adds a whole new level to the "must not tell people my name" thing. I mean, his grave was so vulnerable, and the Doctor knew what could happen - what did happen. No wonder only River, his wife, knows.

And of course, we got a lot more questions! Firstly, that new Doctor. Obviously he's not a future Doctor, because Eleven knew him, but just who is he?

Even though I don’t know much about old Doctor Who, I’m liking all these theories going around that he’s between 8 and 9 - a regeneration, but not called the Doctor because of what he did. Which at least means he doesn’t quite break the count - Eleven is still eleven. And that he might have been the one to end the Time Wars by effectively destroying everything - and making himself the last time lord? And that was the unspeakable secret of the Doctor, and why this regeneration cannot bear the name Doctor.

And if they stick with only allowed 12 regenerations, what's going to happen next? Will the regeneration energy he got from River help? Will they find a way around it. And if so, why did Clara only see 11 versions of the Doctor - surely she should see his future ones too.
Hmm, I really wish I could remember/know more about old school Dr Who. I bet it’d make more sense then. But then, this IS Dr Who! LOL! Saying that though, Mofffat may skip out a few details here and there, but his loose strands flung far and wide across his run do seem to eventually tie together. I think that's why I've loved his series so much more (that and he did give us the Ponds!) And I think/hope we're going to be seeing a LOT of these loose ends tying up this 50th. And of course, more unravelling!

And if they’re still stuck in the Doctor’s Timeline, it makes sense that we get to see the past doctors and companions in the 50th - because we’ll see them through the time line. And we might finally get to learn more about what actually did happen in the Time Wars.
Or maybe they’ll fall out of his timeline, these couple of different versions of the doctor, and that’ll be the big storyline of the 50th. Maybe they have to fight this “old” doctor.
Humph, seriously, why is November so far away!

And I did love how they made Clara the impossible girl. That she chose to go into the Doctor’s timeline and keep on saving him to undo the damage caused by the great intelligence. It was a great twist and one I doubt many would have predicted. It works really well and I’m glad that’s at least 1 question we have answered. Of course, we don't know what happens to her yet, but I assume when the Doctor gets her out, now that she's saved the Doctor, she becomes Clara again - in her proper timeline/life cycle. And I like that she was just an ordinary girl in the end - that it was her choices that made her extraordinary. And again, I loved that the Doctor had to get saved by his companions once more! I always like those turn arounds!

And I really liked that they still remained platonic. I mean, considering Moffat married the Doctor off, I thought it was unlikely, but I'm glad they've stayed as just very close friends. IDK, even now she's the impossible girl I just can't see her starting to like the Doctor, or vice-versa - not in that way at least. And I'm glad her and River became friends. I hate love triangles and the jealousy throughout would have gotten on my nerves. I think Clara was just a tad upste the Doctor never really told her about River. I think it made her remember how little she really knows him. And it makes me remember that quote from the haunted house episode - that he has a sliver of ice (or something) in his heart. I guess that's because we're now post Ponds and perhaps it's hinting at the past secrets he has...

Of course, this not only being Dr Who, but a Moffat episode, there are of course even more questions and loose ends to tie up. Like, the Silence storyline never properly ended - and this whole idea of the Doctor becoming so powerful/dangerous, they orchestrated such a big event to kill him… And just what did happen to make him the last time lord? Though I suppose, maybe the silence did fall, when the question was asked. Because history was re-written and all those stars went out... Or maybe it was just because they all suddenly went silent when his tomb opened - but that would be kinda anti-climatic.

Anyway, I’m hoping we get to see a lot of these questions answered in the 50th. Because as much as I love seeing it all fitting together, I’m kinda getting desperate for at least a few answers!
And gosh, River Song was amazing this episode. She’s been growing on me so much the last couple of series and this episode she was fun and sad and heartbreaking and just wonderful! I’ve definitely turned into a MAJOR River/Doctor shipper after that episode.

And gosh, that KISS! My oh my! I’ve rewatched that a good few times now. I have had my doubts about whether the doctor really loved her, but that kiss kinda proved it to me. And, as far as I can remember, it’s the only romantic kiss the Doctor has ever initiated - all the rest were initiated by others and he usually just flailed about not knowing what to do. And I have to confess, I did a little happy “yes!” when he called her his wife! LOL!

And what he said before the kiss, about how he’s been trying to ignore her echo because it pains him so much. And the real reason he never really told Clara much about her… And the way he started crying earlier… And the fact that he CAN make her echo real enough to touch and kiss… Those are definitely the emotions of a man who’s lost his love, not just a friend/companion.
So yep, I’ve been fully converted onto the Doctor/River ship now! It took a while, especially as I didn’t warm to River much at first, but yep, I’m definitely a hardcore shipper now! And just what I need, another angsty, heartbreaking and pretty much doomed ship. Especially as there were definite hints we may not got to see her again… Oh dear… I do think it felt like a final goodbye, both for the Doctor and for us fans.

But I hope we do see her again. Obviously not just for the sake of it, she’d have to have a reason for showing up (cough*unlikeRose*cough.

I know it was her library (read dead) self in this episode, but I liked that she still had a connection to Clara and the Doctor from the library. It makes me happy that she may still have a life to live uploaded into that computer, or that they may just find a way to bring her back to life.
And of course, there’s the whole wibbly-wobley-timey-wimey thing. I mean, I know her and the Doctor’s timeline run parallel but opposite - as he gets older, she gets younger - but we’ve seen her out of that pattern a few times, especially tonight, so we could see her again, earlier on in her timeline. Or in all those gaps.

And I mean, how did she know about the grave? What did she mean about being connected to Clara? And earlier questions too, like how did she get to learn so much, like fly the Tardis? What happened between her being that little girl in NY to Melody Pond - Amy and Rory’s childhood friend? What happened between her seeing her parents in Manhattan to showing up in that library?
And how on earth does she know the Doctor’s name!!!

So I hope it wasn’t quite the end for her, that she may pop back still - if only so we can find out the answers to all these questions surrounding her.

And on a quick note, I really loved the side characters of Vestra, Jenny and Strax. I wasn’t too keen on them in the Christmas special (they felt a little like spare parts tbh), but they’ve grown on me this series. I was really sad when Jenny died, because, y’know, they don’t all come back to life. And I love their friendship and their little trio. They were definitely great for bringing about some much needed comic relief in all that angst in the finale. I even quite like the romance between Jenny/Vestra - though I hope they don’t overkill it now.

So, all in all, my feelings are just a tad all over the place at the moment. I thought The Angels Take Manhattan was the going to be the last of my major flailings about Doctor Who!

Oh well. Roll on the 50th anniversary special!

And I wanna know! Doctor Who?!?!?!?!

river & the doctor, doctor who, fandom musings

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