Mar 25, 2007 19:04
Ok. One big rant. I'm disabling comments, I don't give a fuck if anyone gets offended, it's MY journal and I can say whatever the hell I want.
This Louise thing is pissing me off now.
Her latest PM:
"I really don't have time to write any more PMs to you, so I will leave you one final message that should discourage you from contacting me again.
best wishes
I want her booted from TG. I want her out. I don't give a flying fuck if she never posts on the board again or whatever, but to ease my soul I want her gone from there. I don't care if it's a PM, it is still forum-related. It can be considered harassment. In ANY other forum out there, she would be instantly banned. She's taking safety from the relative privacy of PMs because she knows her ass would be kicked if she made it public. She literally doesn't have the balls to make it public.
I am inches away from posting the entire set of PMs on the public board of TG. I don't give a fuck anymore if it's the "right" thing to do. This bitch is getting away with all this. Not doing anything effectively endorses this kind of behaviour. Sitting on one's hands and saying "can't do a thing about it" means that she can continue to be insulting on the boards and then PM other people in manners similar to me. TG will turn into bitch-fest. Moderators and Administrators have the responsibility to make the place safe for everyone. Louise pulling this shit will not be the last time it will happen, nor, I guess, will it be the first. Not booting her means that her behaviour is tolerated.
I just want her out of TG. Banned. Or else I will post the whole set on the boards and let the public do as they will. She flaunts the rules; I'll do the same fucking thing.