It may not be pretty

Apr 18, 2008 22:09

But, by golly, I have a wall! And a door! Its looks are utterly salvage-yard, but hey, it all works as intended and that's really the important part, yes? All I need to finish it (for the moment anyhow) is a doorknob. I'll have to actually spend money on that part but it shouldn't cost too much. I was really rather thrilled to be out digging through crap in the barn and discover a door with hinges (non-rusty even!) still attached. Not to mention just enough tallish bits of plywood so that I only had to use roughly a dozen of the short two-foot boards. So half of the wall is only about three and a half feet tall, but that's remedied with re-hanging the tapestry (which I no longer need to worry about getting shredded to strips by the dogs). It's been entirely a day full of Yay!

Oh! The kids and I also baked cookies. Not just any cookies, but oatmeal cookies filled with dark chocolate chips, golden raisins and dried currants! Yumminess made tangible.

Tomorrow, if the weather holds, there will be gardening, and working the horses. I'm not going to hold my breath on that however seeing as today was filled with rain and snow in places. But the gardening bit needs to happen soon. Regardless of when it occurs, the next day that isn't nasty out is going to see me outside playing in the dirt!
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