Corsety goodness

Mar 26, 2008 23:55

It isn't the best picture ever of me, but it does show the corset rather well. And well...I wanna show off my mad sewing skills! Thank you
xthread for taking the picture for me since I left my camera packed in my bag all night. (naughty Jeni!)

This was my first attempt ever at making a corset. Overall I'm fairly pleased with the results. There are a few things that after making it and wearing it for several hours that I have decided need changing, and now I'm better prepared to make those changes. Oh, and as far as time invested, I think I figured out about 20 hours what with pattern alteration, putting together the toile/mock-up and then making the actual corset. And yes, gussets are a pain in the ass!

So here's the fruits of my labours ~

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