Jul 09, 2007 10:46
the good news is the puppy is home and doing well. the weekend wasn't so great; when she came home on friday she was pretty shell shocked and acted like someone who's body had been put through the ringer, which of course it had. she didn't want to leave her crate at the vet, and when she got home if she wasn't in her crate she huddled herself somewhere. not much of an appetite, but she'd wag her tail at us and was happy having her head scratched. more of the same on saturday, though she seemed a little brighter, and went for a walk with us that night. still not eating much, and sunday morning we found out why. at 6:00 am she started barking her head off, sounding awfully...close. as in, not in her crate.
she wasn't. and there was shit and vomit all over the family room. great. this took a little of the enthusiasm out of breakfast, but the husband was beyond a saint and chucked her in the bath (that perked her up) and cleaned up the mess while i fixed him bacon, eggs and pancakes. she continued to vomit, have bouts of diarrhea, and felt miserable most of the day. thankfully, by night time she showed some interest in food, ate a little, kept it down, and wanted to play. this morning, she was starving and cheery and VERY eager to play, which is exactly what we're used to. so i think the worst has passed.
in other news, it is hot as hell's kitchen. i just went out to work the babies and came back in dripping. getting nice and sweaty is fine if you plan to stay out in the heat, or if you can take a shower immediately after coming in, but when you have to put your work clothes back on and play professional for the rest of the day, not so much. granted, i'm the only one here, so who the hell cares, but the sticky sensation i enjoy not. here's praying that the rain forecast for today and tomorrow is killer. not, you know, literally.
i need to do book reviews. i knocked out hell's angels, stardust (reread), and pushing ice on the trip, and am a good chunk of the way through a tree grows in brooklyn. i'll catch up eventually.
oh, and i still think transformers was awesome.
this is not paradise,
this entry is not memorable