not that anyone reads this anyway i just figured i needed an update for my own personal references. i'm deleting my xanga or at least a good bit of entries in it so it can't be used against me. its my own personal accord on my life and experiances so if someone doesn't like it...FUCK OFF ITS MY DAMN LIFE!?
plus...i've made plenty of mistakes and have learned from them you don't need to dig my dirt up and rub it in my face to your "greater-than-thou" self feel any better because of it. i'm not a fuckin pawn in your fucking game. deal with it!?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
wow its been FOREVER and a million since i've been on this thing.
so update short, sweet, and to the point.
brought to you in part by: Cat Swan
so things with Zach didn't last like hoped for.
lasted 7 months.
fought to stay together for 4 out of the 7.
first 3 months were great and full of love.
then i moved in...
and we realized how different we are.
it sucked mondo huge monkey ass.
he's too free spirited, I'm too used to structured & sheltered life.
it sucked and there was lots of tears and heart break.
5 months goes by...
i'm in school again.
passing classes, THANK DOG!
meeting new people and resurrecting old friendships.
school is no longer a complete bore.
Twiggy is with me to make me giggle & by my side to meet new people.
so we meet:
long haired boys, Nathan.
crazy cool boys, Westley.
skiddish lovable boys, Kevin.
screamingly shy boys, Blake.
as well as a few great girls.
audry, miranda, miranda, stephanie, cleo, celena, and so many more!
i date a boy.
things don't go so well with that...
i want to live life & be free spirited now.
he wants to revolve around me.
that ended after 2 months.
i'm happily single,
dating people,
living life as much as i can
trying to move ahead in my life,
soaking up the fun of meeting new people
and lastly...having fun being me!
finish high school.
get a job.
work for 2 yrs or more.
own a car.
live in Chicago.
attend Art Institute of Chicago.
live happy and free in the city.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Live for Tomorrow & Don't Look Back
i had a boyfriend and his name was joseph.
i love him, but it can't be.
he's wonderful and everything i could want...
its too much too soon.
he's set on me and only me.
he's sure that i'm the one.
he won't date others in fear of losing the connection
and in the fear of losing the one he loves.
in a sense i understand,
obviously i'm not ready.
i don't want to be smothered.
i don't want to go too far too soon.
we're both 18 and there is so much out there waiting for us.
would it hurt to wait a few years longer?
i want to experience other personalities, faces, & just people.
not saying i want to sleep with everyone cause that just isn't me.
simply put and stated i want to be free from serious mistakes.
there is a boy i like, but he's not the reason for the broken.
i'm scared of the future and what it would hold for us if we were to go on.
and at this point i'm not looking forward to any suprises.
"Believing in something is better than nothing, so do what you have to to live for tomorrow"~ Parade-Garbage
Friday, April 18, 2008
Here I Go Again here i go, the walking hypocrite.
i say i don't want a relationship, but I'm starting a new one.
this is pathetic and great at the same time!
no really though.
i like the boy immensely.
he makes me smile,
he makes me blush,
he makes me glow,
he makes me feel special even when i feel big, stupid, & invisible.
its great!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
420 today was magnificent!
no i didn't toke up with friends.
but indeed i did have Blake & Twiggy over.
we sat around, ate wonderful food, & watched movies with my mom.
it was fun for a lazy day.
Blake and i had the opportunity to be with each other.
my mom got to know him a bit and get used to him.
my bro got to play & talk games with him.
it was a good day!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
today was wonderful.
i woke up
fixed my hair
and then TADAH!!!
Blake was here to save my day.
he stayed for a good while and watched movies with me.
it was lovely.
i miss him already.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Acworth Beach
Went to acworth beach with priscilla (pk), blake, his dad & sister last weekend.
fun and interesting stuff.
i'm not to keen on lake water especially alatoona so i refrained from indulging myself.
Practice i went to see blake's band practice as a whole the same weekend i went to the beach.
it was cool to see them play and all that.