Ah, connotation, my love.

Aug 14, 2004 02:52

So Chikara-Yuy, formerly known as kagome-chikara-yuy, formerly known as kagome evans, emailed me finally last night. It was much too late after my reply to Black-Angel-001's most recent email to even begin thinking of emailing kagome evans, so I waited until today to get around to it.

Her email:

So I should get my ass in gear and mail you should I? well you asked for it and you got it.

now then. I have not seen much gundam wing and for that I am sorry. I
have though read one of the manga from one of my friends. So I do not
know much about it. for that forgive me. Also, I do not mind you
correcting my errors though you could do it more...discreetly. oh and I
don't want to be rude, but when you said angel and I need to learn
proper english, I am sorry to say that YOU need to learn proper
engilsh. I have to say that I scanned through your review and found
that you used the word 'fuck' 30 times. O_O this all I can say to that
obviously. sheesh. I don't even use that much profanity in my stories
as you did in your reveiw. Oh, and how old are you?!

I think that just maybe you might be in high school to use that
kind of langauge and I really hope that you are NOT a grownup cause if
you are I hope you know that when you reveiwed my story that you WERE
insulting an young adult. I do not wish to insult you either I will not
stoop to the level of an idiot and also did you read other fics in a/c?
Any that I happen to read Wu fei does say onna so I being observent
thought that, that was okay. Oh one last thing please, If you don't
have anything nice to say about my stories or myself then e-mail it to

there if you have any thing else to say to me just e-mail me and please don't insult my stories anymore. thank you.

One note, though. She didn't post her name on it, and had no subject.
It was annoying. She's lucky that I like to laugh at my spam.

My Reply:

Dear Chikara-Yuy,

Well, all I can say is... finally! It sure took you long enough to
email me, but later is better than never. Also, as a hint, you should
try putting a subject on your emails. I thought your email was spam at
first, and almost deleted it. However, I like to laugh at my spam when
I have time, so when I clicked on this email, I was incredibly
surprised to see that it was an actual email! So, just so that your
emails don't accidentally get deleted, you should add in a descriptive
subject. Perhaps something beginning with "FF.net" or having that in
there somewhere?

I have just one question, though. Why are you writing fics about a
series that you have never seen?! Writing accurate fics requires seeing
the entire series at least once--or seeing up til the episodes that
involve what you are writing. That means that for you to accurately
write concerning Gundam Wing, which you spell wrong OFTEN, you should
see the series or have a beta that HAS. It's very sloppy and extremely
stupid to write a fic about a universe that you have absolutely no
experience with. You're bound to piss off all of the fans, like myself.

Which manga did you read? The manga for Gundam Wing,
depending on which one you read, can be INCREDIBLY different from the
anime. The manga for the series, actually, ends with the Gundam pilots
taking a shuttle to Mars to participate in the terraforming project.
The anime itself ends with all of the Gundams destroyed and each
character going his or her own way. This makes a humongous difference.
Manga like Episode: Zero, and Blind Target are meant to fill in the
gaps in the series, however... so it entirely matters which manga you

It is true that I could correct your errors more discreetly. The
question is, do I really want to? In getting angry, you have
accomplished my very purpose for flaming. See, I have given countless
constructive criticisms to various authors, and NONE of them improved
even the slightest bit. The general consensus was that "everyone else
loved it, so why should I change for one person?". Flaming, however,
causes the author to become obsessed with the flame (perhaps obsessed
is too strong a word for the action that usually happens, but I am
rather tired, so I shall leave that phrase as it lies). The author
reads over it, perhaps cries over it, and then when they go back to
look at their fic they see what crap it was. From there, the author
will delete the fic in shame, never to write again, or flame the flamer
back (which backfires greatly, let me tell you), or perhaps ignore the
flame, hoping it will go away (which we won't), or make the neccesary
corrections. I would prefer that the author rewrite their fic with the
corrections, of course. I want MORE wonderful writers in the GW/SM
section, and people get that way through practice and correction of
errors. You would not believe how my first fics (if you could call them
that) looked, but I was smart enough to not post them until I had
matured in my writing ability.

Also, I still believe you should find yourself a thesaurus and a
dictionary and keep them by you at all times. "Proper" English is
English that abides by the written and agreed upon rules of the
language that they teach in school. "Polite" English is English that
restricts the use of curse words--which are considered vulgar--and some
taboo subjects such as sex, drugs, and violence. You will note that my
flame used "proper" English, but not "polite" English. There is a major
difference. You will also note that "fuck" is an accurate English word
used to describe the act of sex, or used as an adjective to denote
anger, horror, disgust, or used to berate. Look it up on
dictionary.com, which is an extremely useful site. Besides, using the
word "fuck" 30 times in a 10 page long flame is incredibly few times
for how horrific I consider your fic. Look at it this way; I could have
easily made every other word be "fuck", but I restricted myself because
then I would just be repeating words and it wouldn't be very
productive. However, every now and then I just had to express my
absolute disgust at the concepts and their execution that I was reading.

Of course you didn't use that much profanity in your stories. You
posted your stories as rated "G", which means absolutely no cursing.
That rating is for "all audiences", and little kids are NOT supposed to
hear curse words. Did you not know that?!

I am 16, and a junior in high school. If I were an adult (grownup is a
child's word) then I would not care that you were a teenager. I have
flamed 10 year-olds before, and I will do so again if it helps them to
improve. One must also take into account that Fanfiction.net is a
PUBLIC website, and anything that is posted on there is for everyone to
read. People are bound to not like what you write, and if that person
can't take their criticism, no matter how harsh, then I feel pity for

However, why does it matter how old I am? Mentally, I could be thirty.
Perhaps I have experienced and learned a great deal more from my life
and the world around me than you have. I know that this is a definite
possibility. I have met 11 year-olds that made me feel like I had an IQ
of 30. Age has nothing to do with anything, which is a definite theme
in Gundam Wing. After all, each of the pilots is 15!

By the way, your email has better grammar than many of your fics
(though I am still having to decipher each line as I go along). Mind
telling me why that is?

Yes, I have read many of the other fics in the A/C section. You have
fallen victim to the horror that I call "fanfic canon". Do you know
what that is? It means that something inaccurate is repeated in
fanfiction so often that those who read the fanfic for that section
believe it to be an accepted part of the series. "Onna" is a Japanese
word. Wufei (which you misspelled--it is one word) is Chinese. While
the anime might have had Wufei say "onna", that was only because the
target audience spoke Japanese, much the same way that in the dub,
Wufei says "woman". Do NOT trust anything you see in fanfiction. Check
around with people you KNOW to understand Gundam Wing before including
anything that pops up often in fanfiction in your own. The
"cat-and-mouse-game", as I have nicknamed it, is another grievious
example of these inaccuracies. Unfortunately, I am only one person, and
I can only reach so many people at a time. I can also supply many good
sites concerning certain details in Gundam Wing that would help you to
improve your writing and knowledge incredibly.

Unfortunately, while you may ask me to keep anything unpleasant about
your stories to myself, I must decline your request. I feel that others
have a right to see exactly what I think of your fics, be they
pleasant, annoyed, or angry thoughts. That is the point of a review
SECTION, by the way. If only the author was supposed to see the
reviews, Fanfiction.net would not put those reviews up on a board
attached to the story itself. Therefore, I feel you have no business
asking me to do such a thing.

If you do not want your stories insulted, then improve. It is that
simple. Don't write the same horrible shit that every other idiotic
author in the section has written before. Where is your sense of
originiality? You could ask me for help, or Transcendent, or several
other authors that I know would be willing to help you. In fact, ask
Black-Angel-001 for help, at the very least. She has an incredibly
decent grasp of grammar, format, and detail; she could help you greatly
in that field.

~ SilverCaladan ~

p.s. Just one last question. You *are* aware that I am female by now,
correct? I find it rather amusing that you mistook me for a guy, but
you should know that male fanfiction writers are exceptionally rare. I
know of four out of all of the sections that I read and review in. When
replying to authors, it is best to avoid any mention of gender at all
until they volunteer the information.

reply, flame, morons, flame war, gw/sm

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