What is it with people sending personal emails through reviews?!

Aug 08, 2004 00:17

I have yet to understand this fascination with the stupider people on FanFiction.net concerning sending things that SHOULD be in emails through reviews. What they do, as in the case of Black-Angel-001, is put in one line about the fic they are reviewing, and then decide that that makes the entire thing count as a worthwhile review. These people HAVE to have working emails; it's a requirement of FanFiction.net. Yet, they don't seem to know how to use them O.o

Anyway, Black-Angel-001 is one of the recipients of the flames below, so she decided to repay the favor and review me back.

The following review is on my fic Falling Debris, a one-shot concerning the movie Independence Day.

okay, not bad, actually I like it a bit. Oh, you remember me? One of the two who should 'learn english' I believe that those were your words. Okay, really, I don't care if you correct stories with puncuation problems or whatever, but the language COULD use some work pal. You were a bit over the top in that way so yeah, brush up on that. Anyway, kagome can actually write good stories if you would care to see another side of it. I'm not about to go into this with you because either way it is none of my business. However, before you criticize my work please read it first. Then you can correct me all you want. A fair chance is all I ask.

I'm still trying to send her the below reply, but first Yahoo denied it, saying that it wasn't a "correct" email--which means the bitch has been lying and doesn't make use of the wonders that are author alerts--and then FF.net decided that half of its servers were going to cut out and deny me looking at the email ever again. So the email shall reside in here until I get frustrated enough to post it as a review.

Dear Black-Angel-001,

Actually, after looking at your *solo* fic, I have come to the conclusion that I have no problem with you. Your fic "Little Angel", as it stands, has decent detail, and wonderful spelling and grammar (except for that little "Quatre" or "Quatra" problem). The only "beef" I would have with your fic, were I to review it (as I was going to before your review reached me) is that parts of it are horribly cliche and extremely out-of-character.

However, I will save those ideas for a review, or for another email, provided you respond to this one.

I am a bit confused by parts of your review. You mentioned that, I think, I could use some work on my language and that it was a bit over the top? You see, it might have been over the top for the general populace, but I don't write for the general populace. My fanfiction is purposefully wordy, full of synonyms, and brimming with astute phrases; it tends to scare off the readers that I don't particularly *want* to read my work. So, yeah, I guess you could say that my language is a bit too much. I regret to inform you, though, that I really DO think in such terms; I don't write above my level, and I definitely don't write BELOW it. So if you think that it is too wordy, then we obviously aren't on the same level. Sorry, but I can't--and won't--do anything to make myself or my fics easily understood.

Also, your mention of kagome evans writing "good" stories is not really concrete proof at all. "Good" is a term in the English language that is so generalized and common that it means little to nothing at all anymore. It has no base; your definition of "good" apparently differs WILDLY from my own. You say that kagome evans can write "good" stories? Allow me to provide you with links to stories that *I* find "good". Then, you will see the enormous difference in definition.

I don't understand how you can allow kagome evans to attach your name to her fics, though. After all, even if you compare YOUR fic with HERS, you'll see a difference so vast between them that I don't even want to think about how large it is. I was incredibly surprised when I saw the formatting in your own fic, and the decent detail. Have you ever heard that phrase that you can tell a person by their friends? Well, it doesn't apply here. I stand by my assessment of kagome evans' fic, and the taint it has spread across your passable writing ability.

How is kagome evans' fic none of your business? You ARE aware that she labeled you as co-author, correct? That makes it *completely* your business.

Just incase you aren't aware, or didn't read the flame all of the way through... I *always* read through at least the first chapter of any fic I flame. I read it word by word, and dissect it connotation by connotation. Then, and only then, do I choose to flame it. So, please do NOT accuse me of not reading a fic all the way through first. That's a bigger insult to me than anything else you could come up with, especially when you consider I spent a good 6 hours reading through and writing that flame on kagome evans' story.

You'll also note that even though I made sure that my flame was highly detailed, when kagome evans reposted, there were about two corrections in the entire story: the paragraphs were correct, and the proper nouns were capitalized.

Every author gets a fair chance. If kagome evans wants to avoid a flame war, or future flames, she would do good to get her ass in gear and email me. I'm much nicer after I have heard from the author directly, rather than the "tag" game of story posting and reviews.

I thank you for your review, though I *would* like to analyze my fic with you over, say, IM? It has been too long since I last thought about that fic, and I would like a fresh view on it. Who knows, it could be educational for you.

And yes, I am a bitch.

~ SilverCaladan ~

reply, morons, flame war, gw/sm

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