LIFE - Baby, house, etc.

Jan 30, 2012 09:55

A bit of an update. It's mostly all baby stuff, some house stuff.

Have a picture of Tegan devouring a monkey:

Tegan is technically a very easy baby. I know this because she does not do any of the following:

  • Wake up every hour during the night.
  • Require feeding every hour and a half during the night.
  • Scream constantly for five hours at the same time each day.
  • Have colic.
  • Be constantly unsettled or distressed.

Or any of those things which make new parents, especially mothers, go absolutely insane from exhaustion, despair, and general horror. She does still have a few odd ways about her, enough that as Chaos and I discussed, the absolute least impact a baby has is in terms of nappy changes. People keep asking me about that, as if it's even important - it isn't. It takes minutes only, and since the most Tegan currently does during a change is stretch and stare at us condescendingly, it is dead easy.

In fact, mostly Tegan is pretty happy. She peers at people with interest, has just started to try to hold her head up when she is on people's shoulders (she reels around drunkenly when she does this), and sometimes sleeps for six or seven hours in a row at night. On the weekend, she did eight hours - thus terrifying both Chaos and I who kept getting up in the night to check she was still alright. She is a chubby, healthy little thing. Well - kind of little. Actually, she is massive. Last week we were at a roleplaying group with a little boy called Wolfram who is five months old, and he is wearing size 0 baby clothes, fitting into 00 sometimes. Tegan wears size 00 already...she was a comparable size with him. She is a giant baby.

I am sort of doing alright - healing relatively well, but having issues with post natal depression, which is rather horrid. It is at least educational - during bleak periods, when I find myself literally convinced I or Tegan will die before Chaos gets home from work, I kind of marvel at how I know this is not possible (we are not going to randomly just keel over) but that knowing it does not help at all. The biggest help for it is for me to get continuous sleep for seven or so hours (preferably nine, really), and to not breast feed, as the hormones with the latter seem to drive me insane. It seems so weird - very easy baby, but still being blindingly, horrifically depressed sometimes.

We do have her birth registered finally. Lots of other things need doing, including her first set of inoculations. It's rather hard to organise myself, at least for anything other than feeding, changing, and playing with her. I feel exhausted most of the time.

Other things we are doing - we're starting to move in three weeks, so we're frantically trying to finish the bathroom and the laundry in the house, so we can have somewhere to live. We'll have two clean rooms to live in, but no kitchen or lounge or anything similar. So we will mostly cook outside. If we absolutely have to, we can have the washing machine outside as well, under cover. But we really need the bathroom to the state where we can wash. Hopefully that won't be too much longer. We have started putting the glass bricks into the bathroom, so the tiling cannot be too far away.

We have been getting wonderful help from friends to assist. I have no idea how we'll ever pay them back in time spent - it's utterly invaluable.
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