Mythbusters, meet Supernatural...

May 11, 2011 11:59

I'm sure you all adore the delightful sound of a gun being racked on Supernatural. We've seen it a few times. I know it shows up in fics...CONSTANTLY. So when I saw on my facebook page that the Mythbusters had tackled that, to see if the clique sound we all associate with it was accurate, I had to click.

Okay, so I'm a little too out of it to find the embed code. Just endure the quick commercial. It's cute anyways.

Also, updated my Masterlist, so check that out. Lemme know if it looks better, worse, or the same, okay?

*will be back soon with new fics, including a Cas one. I know. What has the world come to?*

omg this is totally amazing and cool!!!, cool ideas, useless rambling

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