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Comments 12

katee412 December 30 2013, 02:53:54 UTC
Ooh, it appears Rosalie's pedestal is getting very shaky!

I adore Shirley, and Dwight seems adorable, I hope their family finds happiness.

It was lovely to meet all the new children, and I thought the image of Steven with all the Bradford ancestors was a wonderful reminder of how far this legacy has come.

Also, on a completely different note, I love the Bradford's kitchen :D


silverbelle1220 December 30 2013, 22:38:54 UTC
Yeah, Rosalie’s about to discover that she built her castle on sand.

Shirley is forever awesome, and Dwight is just great. I have plans for them, and it does include some happiness.

It was a lot of new kids, and I’m looking forward to showing them off a bit more in upcoming chapters. I liked the picture of Steven in the upstairs hallway with all the portraits too. It’s hard to believe how far I’ve come sometimes.

I love the kitchen too! It’s so 50s!

Thanks for commenting!


katmiesterk8 December 31 2013, 11:44:09 UTC
Careful Rosalie, your pedestal ain't looking too stable!

Oh Shirley, may you find true happiness.

The Bradford's kitchen is so great! I just love it. :)

That's a mighty-fine cliff-hanger you left us hanging from.


silverbelle1220 January 1 2014, 01:49:45 UTC
Yeah, Rosalie’s put herself in a very precarious position.

Shirley’s not the type to just let things happen, so rest assured that she’ll go out and find her happiness somehow.

The kitchen really is so great. I love that retro look.

Yep, that’s quit the cliffie I left you with. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out before too much longer.

Thanks for commenting!


biglenny January 2 2014, 07:54:32 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]Rosalie is definitely putting herself in a delicate situation. With eight kids to raise and her husband out of the house at most times, she’s no doubt tiring herself out. Her situation somehow reminded me of Henri’s except that she still has her parents to do some of the work.

Steven is such a darling. It’s interesting to see him learning about the responsibilities of being heir at such a young age. No doubt that he’ll make a fine leader someday.

So the suspected Simmunist is… Bruce Thorne?! That somehow explains why he hasn’t helped Rosalie with the kids. Turns out Taddy’s right to suspect him of something, but whether or not he’s really guilty is something, I have to wait.

In short, great chapter!


silverbelle1220 January 5 2014, 22:32:26 UTC
Yeah, Rosalie is putting herself in a bad spot. She is exhausted, not that she would ever admit it, and it doesn’t help that Bruce isn’t home all that much. In some ways, there are parallels between Rosalie and Henri, but the big difference here is that this is the life that Rosalie thought she wanted whereas Henri’s situation was sort of thrust upon her. Still, I think that Rosalie’s doing a bit of reevaluating right about now.

Steven is such a cutie. I love him to bits. He’s very serious like Nick (no playful points at all), so it kind of made sense to have him think about responsibility early on. It’s kind of funny that you say “he’ll make a fine leader,” as I think that I’m going to have him go into the politics career since he’s Popularity and his LTW is to have 20 best friends.

Yup, Bruce is under suspicion. It does make a few pieces fall in to place if that is indeed what he’s up to. But as you said, you’ll just have to wait and see if he’s guilty or the victim of the Simmunist witch hunt.

Thanks for


penguingirl03 January 5 2014, 14:48:04 UTC
Yay update!

[Spoiler (click to open)]Okay, so Rosalie's household of craziness makes me anxious! Holy baby boom, batman! I do actually feel bad for her because she clearly needs help but she has done it to herself. She should be insisting that Bruce help and she should be letting her parents help as well but that is just not her way... )


silverbelle1220 January 5 2014, 22:41:22 UTC
[Reply]I love the name you gave Rosalie’s house, because it really is just that. I can’t believe I decided to let ACR determine the number of kids they’d have. You are spot-on when you say she’s done it to herself, because that is the truth. This is what she wanted (or thought she did anyway). She should be accepting offers of help or insisting that her husband help. But as you said, that’s not her way... )


penguingirl03 January 6 2014, 02:26:27 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I honestly wasn't sure who it was at all. I knew it wasn't main house because I couldn't see Nick being a Simmunist but I wasn't sure which cousin's house it might be. I think I briefly thought that it was Clarence at one point just because he's been putting on appearances in other ways but I wasn't convinced that it was him.


silverbelle1220 January 7 2014, 00:41:36 UTC
[Link to spoiler]
Ah, I was just curious. It's always interesting to hear what other people's theories


rosefyre January 6 2014, 21:09:26 UTC
Comment catch up time! (Though really, I'm not THAT late...)

[Commenty!]You have got to do, I don't know, family pictures or something. Or at least a big group picture with everyone labeled. Because there is no way I can keep everyone's kids straight, especially Rosalie's brood! I wouldn't mind some good close up face shots of Nick and Alice's kids, either, and, you know, personalities/aspirations/etc... )


silverbelle1220 January 7 2014, 01:01:35 UTC
You are most definitely not late, considering the chapter’s only been out for a week.

[Reply!]I do need to do pictures of the kids with stats and such. I *think* I have pics of all the ones from the “main” families, and will just have to take the time to do it. It’s even hard for me to keep all the kids straight this generation, because there are so darn many of them... )


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