I'm holed up in my home office working on a manuscript right now, but I thought I'd take a moment to do something that I've been meaning to do for some years now, and that's make a full and formal commitment to writing all those things that I've wanted to write and never yet found (or made) time for.
Thanks are due to
jennalynn for both general inspiration and for linking to this particular community.
GetYourWordsOut: One Last Time (Probably)!
Pledges & Requirements |
GYWO.net I'm starting out at the Modest level, which is still way beyond anything I've tried before* insofar as writing goes. This should be interesting!
*I almost can't believe I'm doing this, y'all. I'm excited and terrified at once. But no matter what, I think it's going to be fun, and that's what really counts, right?
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http://silveraspen.dreamwidth.org/288498.html and mirrored to LJ. Please comment where you wish! (There are
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