It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted -- in part because things have been wildly busy (as usual) and incredibly stressful (also as usual, unfortunately, although I am very actively trying to improve matters).
As of today, however, I'm able to bring myself to admit that it's also been in part because I've been jumping through medical hoops yet again for about the last week and a half, due to some ongoing symptoms that worried my gyn doctor so much that she made out a long list of tests for me to have, did the first two herself right there in her examining room (I will spare you the details, but ow), and put a rush on the rest. All of them.
I finished the last one yesterday. She called this morning with the full set of results.
All of them came back completely okay. All systems go, all results within normal limits, nothing abnormal anywhere.
The best and most important part of this news is that it means I don't have cancer.
(Yes, again. This is the second scare in less than a year and a half. It was a different kind of possible cancer this time, though.)
The downside is that we still don't have a good explanation for the symptoms --
-- by which I mean the fact that I have been having my period for SIX STRAIGHT WEEKS now, despite this last week of meds meant to finally bring it to a halt, and heavily enough so that I am apparently at not-insignificant risk of anemia, except for the good news where that test came back normal too --
-- aside from that old reliable causative factor in my life, by which I mean stress.
Word to the wise: find ways to manage and reduce stress in your life as best you possibly can before it hurts you. No, really. Because it can, and given the chance, it will.
I'm okay, though, and soon I will be even better. Right now I am having a cup of tea and finishing up a few things at the office, and then I will go to choir rehearsal and enjoy myself singing, and then I am going home and going for a run, after which I will fill out a fic-challenge signup form, and then I am going to sleep.
Tomorrow is Friday. It's going to be a great weekend.
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