Jun 30, 2006 15:22
The subject line is Firefly-related, of course, but for a reason. Today is one of those days when I feel slightly disconnected from reality, almost as though I am just drifting through the world.
Strangely enough, it's often days like this when I'm at my most productive in getting tasks done, and so far that pattern is holding true as well. It's a tradeoff I don't mind at all, really.
I have been around, if quiet on this particular front-- largely due to being busy with generalities. It's amazing how quickly the time passes!
Thanks to all of you who gave input on travel plans, by the way; it's greatly appreciated. If airfare doesn't decide to drop and/or I decide not to risk standby flights for international travel, its use will be delayed until winter or spring break, but believe me that I'm keeping track of all the notes!
Next stop is Millicon D.C., however, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.
Finally, a question: I don't suppose anyone knows where I could find versions of the fonts that were used in Serenity for computer/Cortex displays, or the Firefly title font? If so, thanks in advance!
tv: firefly