[FFXI]Adventures in experience points

Feb 18, 2008 13:03

I seem to be slacking on my story telling as of late.. and I think its weighing abit too heavy on me so I'll try updating alittle more often!

My biggest achievement over the past week was dinging dragoon 75! Took awhile with many pauses but I held out. My gear is pretty decent for it too~ I just need to update some rings and things eventually but right now I'm good. Alynda gave me an Iron Ram Lance for my birthday so by using that I got back 200k from my colossal lance. Pretty nice :)

Beastmaster is chilling at 73 but I campaigned so I'm about 30k into level. Alynda and I have plans to dust off the job this week and try some new xp spot to find an alternative to campaigning (plus maybe pick up some IS).

I've been leveling some random jobs, scholar and dancer... as both need to get to 37 at some point! Solo'd dancer to 20 and currently I'm working on scholar (22). Thew parties don't come overly fast as I'm just chilling around seeking right now... not a big deal.

Adventure wise... our little group always seems to run into Notorious monsters. We're after bisque-hearted malberry in Den of Rancor - trying for his wand drop, we're 0/8 on something now but! he dropped flood once which goes for 300k so we each got 100k each. :D

Oh, Aurorie comes along with Alynda and I on these now. Our misadventures end up with more profit than KSNMs!

We've also managed to pop: Lindwurm, Friar Rush, Ogama

One run to Den of Rancor I managed to claim the resentment cape NM for Alynda and it dropped! I felt kinda bad because I outclaimed the galka ninja who totally missed me claiming it (apparently) but in the process of doing so I linked the entire area of tonberry. Luckily I was /blm so a few sleepgas made for easy crowd control.

Playing with tonberries is getting risky though because I'm pretty sure Everyone's Grudge can one-hit me.

We went on another adventure down to Halvung to check out Big Bomb. Getting to the spawn point itself is pretty hard... passing several true sound wamouras in Mount Z, and then 2-3 rooms of True sight trolls in Halvung. After that we finally get to the ??? and kill off Friar's Lanterns for the pop item. These bombs aren't much fun as they cast various fire-spells including firaga-III and grow in size and difficulty with spike damage. When Alynda and I tried it the first time I had an unlucky disconnect and thus we wiped. :(
This time we managed to kill the NM but with no drop. Oy.
At least we found some amusement by being able to attack bombs on a different level of Halvung and watch them run off then eventually get MPK'd patched away in their journey to make it to our bridge.

Lately we've also been busy with assaults, I'm close to ranking up to Lance Corporal but I still have alot of work to do. I'm saving up my assault points for a yigit set but I think finishing it any time soon is as likely as me getting more relic gear. I might have to resort to putting together shout assault groups!

Future plans are basically... finish off beastmaster and then start up my samurai again with Alynda's bard. I'm looking forward to a new job.

Oh, and I must make a note of Alynda's solo adventures. He managed to claim Lumber Jack and solo'd it down to 5% before wiping. :( He also managed to pop Swan Bilbo NM but no drop from him. Then yesterday afternoon he was causing trouble in A. Chasm. Aurorie's linkshell was there doing the NM for rostrum pumps and he managed to pull Citipati to the ??? point and just sat around. The linkshell's expression was mainly :Is that fucking citipati? get it the fuck out of here" - of course Alynda wasn't doing it maliciously, just joking around. Aurorie dropped out of her linkshell alliance to help kill it... to only end up getting charmed. Then Alynda was kiting both Aurorie and Citipati around the linkshell. After that he hung around as a peanut gallery.

No, no GM calls were made so Alynda is still ok. We did however had GMs come in to help us with our XP camp in Mount Z. as the RMT were giving us flack for using crawler pets (Energetic Eruca spawns there) so they do come in handy sometimes.

Well, even if I don't get a party... Iron Chef marathon so I'll be enjoying my day off.

Happy Travels!

Oh, and my desktop is being repaired so most of my modded dat files are not accessible at the moment (I don't believe I backed them up on my external). Oh well. I should get started on my fan art piece!


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