It's that time of the year again... time to see census numbers and free gifts from moogles which are hard to make a "guide" for based on the reward being randomly given. This year the main gift is an anniversary ring which gives experience point bonus +100% up to 3,400 experience point bonus.
Very significant ring which has in turn screwed up all the parties I've been in since. Why? Because its parties 20-30 where your entire level is only like 5,000 experience points. So people popping the rings ended up ahead... significantly.
Anyway, here are my stats!
Progress on my samurai with Alynda as bard. Unfortunately the wait times for a decent party in this range end up being few and far between. Specially considering that a party without a PL tends to be overshadowed by those which do have one... along with being combined with the large group of people who decide on soloing, duoing, and trioing in party experience point areas. Along with the general party populous being retarded. Alynda was bored to tears and frustrated with the mages clumping in with the melee to only then whine about having no ballad. To top off the end of the jungle party... red mage diaga'd the mandy hitting a nearby lizard and thus causing his death and the party ending up at zone.
In our GC party, the JP nin kept on d/cing which made it impossible for him to tank and made xp really slow. Fortunately he was replaced with a dark knight who came with their own PL so things weren't as bad. The party ended when I was fairly close to level so me and Alynda solo'd up the remaining xp needed. Now I'm all pimped up with no where to go! Alynda is lending me their O.kotes as I level sam, and I've lending them instruments.
Outside of just boring xping we went on Sea Serpent Grotto adventures. First, a simple quest involving a kraken and a reward of a useful lower level shield
A thief was fighting it before we popped and they took a far amount of damage. Krakens are no joke!
After this we went and checked on charby. He was there! Alynda claimed him and the duo of rdm and nin didn't work as well as we hoped and when I came back as bard it was too late and an entire linkshell was there. Including the jerk Darkin, which is ironic considering the events around my own j-sword.
We came back when the window reopened to be met with another linkshell there being all snotty, so I made friends with the local JP.
Unfortunately he didn't pop for us and we just went to bed.
We did some adventuring down in the cannal in windurst. Killed some beetles (starmites) for the quest involving the shells and also took on the resident NM which happened to be up. The fight was fine til around 20% where the hate went crazy for no reason. No drop though.
We then chilled out in sky, and Alynda purchased a new pair of pants with the gil they recieved from a friend who was quiting the game (unfortunately =( they were a cool paladin). I never have done the fights before so I took great interest in checking out all the people fighting and how they decided on fighting the cat.
While Alynda was busy in sky, I went off and leveled another subjob I need. Blue mage. It was a struggle.
I also spotted Alynda in someone's Kirin Osode. Shame it isn't worth the price tag on it. The +mp would be nice for bard.
Hopefully I can finish off my Samurai to 37 so I can powerlevel up Alynda's ranger so they can level up their corsair with me. ('-')b
Happy travels!