I've had to make the mermaid much sexier. Sigh. I've kept as much as I can of the design I had in mind, but she's a lot more...erotic. I'll finish coloring her tomorrow, and submit it to Carol to see what happens. So, in response, I did more ATLA fanart, to make me feel better. It turned out okay, but
you can see it on deviantART if you are so inclined.
I would upload these to facebook, but they've been edited, and I'm kinda against uploading edited pictures to my faceobook. I just wanted to see what I could do with the tools I have on this online editor, and so far...eh. It's okay, but it doesn't give me a lot of options really. Better than nothing though, I'll say. I was careful not to over edit them, since I still wanted them to look like me. O.O These are from Tuesday:
You know you dig the hat.
And yeah.
I should have taken some with my jacket on, but I forgot. Ah well. They're only my face because I wasn't in the mood to mess with timer. Maybe next time!
And now, it's 10:30pm and totally time to go to sleep. D= Where do days GO? But, in the end, I did get things done today. I changed the sheets and vaccuumed the apartment, I made dinner and some food for bentos tomorrow. I clipped the kittens' claws, and drew art. I also did 10 pushups and 20 pilates knee crunches. I stretched for 20 minutes (while I watched "The Fortune Teller" from Season 1 of ATLA haha).
So many of my days are pretty boring though. D= Today was kinda one of those days. But! Tomorrow is another Museum day, so excitement awaits!