Jan 26, 2011 15:18
HOW CAN I HAVE BEEN ON LJ THIS LONG AND NOT GOTTEN MYSELF SOME CUSTOM MOODS?! How could I have even had a Plus account and no custom icons?! I feel very dumb and out of the loop.
So, to make myself feel better, I have AVATAR MOODS! YAAAAAAY! This completely frees up my icons to be anything I want, because I HAVE A MILLION AVATAR EXPRESSIONS! BWAHAHAH! =D But, they are HUGE, and I feel bad because I can't credit where they all come from. -_- I don't want to "steal" people's icons. But, this is only way I can make it work, since I can't just have them magically appear out of nowhere. BUT! I'll always credit when I use things as an icon though, so I guess that's fair. Right?
In other news...I've spent so much of today doing stupid things on the computer. First it was just that I wanted to respond to comments and entries, then I had my e-mails to respond to. After that, I was hungry, so I watched an episode or two of ATLA while I ate (Season 3: "The Headband" and "The Avatar And The Firelord"). Then I got into another I. WANT. MORE. AVATAR. ICONS! mood, so I went searching again. Then, I ran into someone who had this Toph custom moods, and I thought, man, I wish *I* could have custom moods, but I'd need a paid account.....
....until I saw someone say, "This is why having a Plus Account is so cool!" And I went, but...but, *I* have a plus account. *I* don't have custom moods! D= So, I follow loads of weird instructions, until I finally decided to just go onto LJ FAQ and find out how it's done. Turns out, it's pretty simple. Just kinda long and involved. I just spent two hours doing it. @_@ I'm okay with how it turned out. I wish that I could cut the icons so that I could better get the emotion I want on it...but, I guess I'll deal with that some other day. For now, I'm just happy with my custom moods! =DDDD
I've been using those Neko kitties for like 9 years. Totally time for a change. D=
In other news! I had good times on Tuesday. Plus, getting up on Tues and Thurs to volunteer regularly has helped reset my sleeping schedule like woah. I woke up on my own (no alarm) at 9am today. Monday it was 9:45am, but with me going to bed earlier (last night was 10:30pm), it's been a LOT easier to wake up when I'm supposed to. Yay.
(Oh god, now I'm tortured with the desire to use EVERY emotion possible at the same time to show off all the awesome moods I chose! T.T)
i can't brain today i have the dumb,
things that i do,
cool things