Aug 03, 2010 11:06
Well, it looks like pushing myself to walk for three hours was a bit of a mistake. I feel like crap today. So, I'm taking the day off from walking to Nike, which means I get an extra three hours to do things today. I've already spent some valuable time on the necessary (?) task of changing my LJ user pics. I've had the same ones up for awhile now...and I like mixing it up. I am going to miss my "gay subtext?! WHERE?!" icon for my "Hoe?" feelings, but I'll probably use it again sometime soon. I just want a new set of nuances to pick from, and some different icons. I think I've already used most of these before, but I doubt anyone besides me is paying that close attention. Yay.
Also, since I have so much more free time today, I'll be doing more studying. I'm going to work on not only the flashcards for the readings in context, but also just writing out the kanji to increase familiarity with them. This helps me when I'm looking for kanji phrases to put on flashcards--if I catch a kanji that uses two kanji I'm supposed to know, I write it down (as long as it's common usage--archaic or obscure kanji doesn't help me right now). But, I have to be able to recognize it for that to work. So, I'll be doing the "write down 100 kanji" today. I'll probably write out the 300 kanji that I'm trying to learn today, and then rewrite at least the kanji from 100-200. I've already written out the first 100 several times, which is why I can recognize those most quickly. I'm just reinforcing those memories in my brain. I need to already start pushing myself a little more.
Still 130.6lbs today. I'm hoping that it won't go up today with my relative inactivity. I am going out to mail my packages later, but that's only about a 40 minute roundtrip walk. I'll also do some yoga, and maybe even some cardio, if I can get myself psyched up for it enough. It's hard. I really forget how weak my body is sometimes. I feel as if I'm on the edge of getting sick. *sigh* Oh well. Heal up, and try again tomorrow I guess.
i can't brain today i have the dumb,
things that i do,