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Oct 18, 2006 22:51

This Weekend, i'm out on Fri night, just local, i'm going out to celebrate my Aunt has just got engaged:-) yay, and she's requested a song on the kareoke (god help them mwahhaha)
I Must say I didn't get much done yesterday after the library, just went through my notes :-( It was great though, I've got myself a study buddie lol, it turns out lindsey from my course is doing (or has done) the same courses as me, so i'm going to hers Thurs eve so we can help each other out :-D

I hate Public transport :-(, I Went to Teeside today, on the buss, I was travelling for about 4 hours altogether:-(, and there were alot of giggling girls on the back of the bus being very loud, (and quite rude) so much so, some one actually to ask the to Shut up coz they were "doing his head in" hehe

The Uni was horrible, the staff were unhelpful and rude, the students looked miserable, and the uni itslef was dirty and small, so i made up my mind after an hour, that i didn't want to go there so me and my mum went shopping lol
:-( work meeting tomorrow, then the dentist. My wisdom tooth is giving my trouble:-(


My guitar tutor called tonight,  and i can't wait till wednesday, finally the help i need, , I might even get a bit better :-)  yippee, i'm soo stuupidly excited about this :-p
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