Sep 20, 2006 23:03
I was out on Friday at a 'sleep-over', or what was meant to be a girlie sleepover, and when I was on my way, a mate rang from College and so I invited her along for a drink, it turned out, more and more people started turning up and it became an all nighter.
Well, I started talking to this girl called Vikki... and we were in conversation for hours, and she made me see a lot of stuff more clearly. When I was in the kitchen, I was talking to someone I have known for a while. They were telling me about the trouble they’re having with their partner, and so I was trying to make them feel better. To cut a REALLY long story short we ended up kissing, with this person telling me that they had fancied my for ages. We went to the loo to talk about stuff. Don’t get me wrong this could never go any further because I know they are in a relationship.
Well, as it turns out, I was explaining this all to Vikki,... and she explained to me, that there is attraction there on my part, but although there is attraction on this other persons part, it’s not as intense. Because they are having trouble with their partner, and I’m being as nice as possible, y'know the girlie thing cuddling and telling them how Fab they are etc, they found in me what they desperately wanted from their partner. I understand many people may have found themselves in this position before, but there is know one I can talk to about this, because although people I know have been in similar situations to this it’s never been with a member of the same sex.
But this has gone no further, but I’m not sure how I feel about it. I don't mean to be crude, but I could never give up men, y'know.... so I’m unsure what this means, I'm not going to label myself and say I’m gay/bi/straight because I don't know and it's all very confusing.
I feel sooo guilty about this because she has a boyfriend, and I never though I would be the type of person (whatever that is) to interfere with another relationship, and it didn't make sense at the time. I mean, I’m not going to use ~*VERY DRUNK*~ as an excuse, coz I think that’s a cop out... but that kind of passion is something I've only felt once before. There has always been a sexual attraction there, though I just passed it of as, “we just get on really well”
It’s something that’s making my head hurt, as far as she goes, she is with her b/f that’s cool, and we’re friends...
My best friend of 12 years was there and walked in on us snogging, but she's cool with it so there’s a load off my mind, but I have know idea about whether or not to tell anyone else. I went over to hers yesterday and we talked through everything, I explained things best I could and she was more interested and supportive than I could have imagined. I love my Best Mate:-). To Bits.