I'm not ready for Monday, dammit.

Apr 23, 2006 16:31

Weekends always go by too fast.

Did some grocery shopping yesterday. After being sick for two weeks and trying to get back into the groove last week and everything in there subsequently being about a month old, my fridge was a pretty scary place. I might've discovered a new life form had I looked closer as I relocated my previously-fresh-but-now-apparently-mutated produce from the crispers to the trash can as expediently as I could.

But now I've got a fridge full of fresh everything, so yay for that. Also finally got a good stir fry pan, which means I can make decent stir fry instead of trying to do it in my far-too-small skillet. Took me forever to find one that I liked that didn't need to be seasoned, but I finally scored a stainless steel Calphalon at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It came in a box. It's fancy. *g* Got 20% off, too, so double yay.

Oh, and did I mention that I had to CALL THE DAMN HOSPITAL MYSELF to get them to fax my x-ray report over to my doctor? They had it the whole time, just never bothered to send it to him, even though he specifically wrote on the referral to fax him the results ASAP. Idiots. The good news is that it was completely clear, no pneumonia, no bronchitis, no nothing. I've still got just a bit of a random cough and I'll get stuffed up every once in awhile, but it's almost completely gone. Thank God for that. Of course, Mom's been pretty bad sick still, so we've got that to worry about. I'm not even allowed over at their place until she's better. Seriously, not allowed. Can't go in. They know I can't afford to get sick again, literally... both the paycheck I got Friday and the one I'll get in two weeks will only be for a week's pay. I don't know why they even bother with the pretense of giving us "sick pay." I figured it up, and if I let my sick pay accumulate for an entire year, I'll have a grand total of about 24 hours. 3 days. Over an entire year. Somehow that doesn't even seem legal.

Finally got to get caught up with Michelle (after almost 2 months, how awful... I hate when we get busy like that). We played phone tag throughout this last week, but I talked to her Friday night and she called me yesterday afternoon and we were able to grab some hang time, so she came by about 9 last night and stayed over. Went to Target and BB&B, then grabbed some lunch and came home to start watching the game before she had to leave at about 2. Good times, good times.

Watched the game Friday night "with"
Kat... I say "with" because she of course was up in Oakland, actually at the game. She called me during batting practice and we got to talk, at least until her friend Nick grabbed her phone, talked some shit, and hung up on me. PUNK!! (Guess he can dish it out but can't take it, so he hung up before I could get my own shots in... in some circles that's what we call "chickenshit." ;P) I called him a punk later and he said I lost my chances with him. I told Kat it was okay, since I prefer men with better taste in baseball teams. ;P

Dad went to the farmer's market in Ontario this morning and brought me some absolutely amazing strawberries. They're so perfect they almost don't even look real. I should've taken pictures. Yummmmmm.

Since Mom's sick she wanted Taco Bell, and since I've been craving one for like the last two months I finally broke down and had a Crunchwrap Supreme. It wasn't the same. There was hardly any beef or cheese, no sour cream at all, and they put onions in it. It was so not worth all the fat and calories that I've been trying so hard to stay away from. I've already plateaued and have to try to kick everything back into gear so the number on the scale starts dropping again. I've still got a hell of a long way to go, and I'm not willing to backslide even a little bit. So I guess that was my sign that I shouldn't have broken down.

This post was nowhere near chronological order. Oh well.

Did I mention that weekends go by too fast?

weekend, friends

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