Hump Day. Wheeee.

Apr 19, 2006 18:06

1. can you tap dance?

2. do you own a pair of see-through underwear?

3. what color is the sky today?
Blue... been gorgeous the last couple of days

4. do you own a classic brown teddy-bear?
Don't think so

5. is Christmas your favorite holiday break?
My favorite holiday break is whichever one gives us the most days off.

6. is there a candle by you?
Not in the immediate vicinity

7. if you had an ipod mini, what color would you have?

8. what song are you listening to?
Not a song, I'm listening to my Halos thrash the Twinkies

9. is it your favorite song?
Yeah, I quite like it

10. how many myspaces have you had?
Uh, one?

11. have you ever made a myspace survey?

12. are you wearing any jewelry?

13. where does your grandma live?
She doesn't

14. are you an angry drunk?
No, I'm a very happy/goofy/friendly drunk

15. do you prefer pen or pencil?
Depends, but usually pen

16. are you wearing deodorant?
Uh, yeah?

17. ever been in an earthquake?

18. is your birthday this month?
Nope, gettin' closer though

19. do girls suck?
Occasionally. And I've never really understood why they're such catty bitches to each other. I mean, can't we all just get along?

20. are you afraid of the dentist?
I hate going to the dentist, although I love mine

21. do you know exactly what car you want?
Not EXACTLY... I'm happy with the one I have now, though. Aside from the "fixed" crack in my windshield, which still pisses me off.

22. have you ever bought something from ebay?
Yeah, not in a loooooooong time, though

23. ever seen "boy meets world"?
Don't think so

24. own a locket?

25. do you share a locker?
Haven't had a locker since junior high

26. ever dissected anything?
Oh, a few things... worms, grasshoppers, clams, crawfish, fish, squid, frogs, rats, sheep eyes, sheep hearts, pigeons...

27. ever had a referral?
Why yes, just last week I got a referral from the doc to go have a chest x-ray taken

28. still play with legos?
Not so much

29. do you know when easter is?
Last Sunday

31. last time you wrote a note?

32. ever been on a cruise?
Not yet, but it's on the list

33. ever gotten pregnant by someone on a cruise?

34. dyed your hair?
Various shades of brown and blonde highlights

35. like your handwriting?
Hate it

36. do you eat?
I like Lori's answer... "No, I've managed to get by for 32 years w/out a single morsel. HELLO!"

37. are you wearing lotion?
Put some on this morning

38. last time you talked on the phone?
'Bout 5 minutes ago

39. do you know victoria's secret?
Yes, it's that she snores like a moose while drooling all over her pillow

40. are you nice to other people?
I like to think so

41. ever been in love?
We'll go with yes

42. what were you last halloween?
A vampire. Oddly enough it was the first time I'd ever dressed up. Because I had to.

43. ever met a midget?
I'll take bizarre questions for $1000, Alex

45. ever cut yourself shaving?

46. ever owned an exotic pet?
I raised a duck in college, does that count?

47. is it your birthday?
Not yet... repetitive much?

48. is it someone else's birthday?
Lori's in two days

49. had a good day?
It was okey-dokey

50. how long did this take you?
Considering I've been up and down and around since I started it, 'bout an hour


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