LOG: 1 January 2008 - Pillowtalk

Jan 01, 2008 22:17

WHO: Harry grimm_godson, Dracosilver-snark
WHAT: Pillowtalk and declarations of AWWWWWWWWW
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Draco's bed
WHY: Draco had a hangover, so he couldn't get out, and Harry ... well, they're just damn adorable! No smut, even!!! Gasp!

Draco lay in his giant bed in his wing, on his stomach, with his pillow over his head.

There was a light knock on the door and it opened quietly as someone walked in.

"Mmpfh," said the head beneath the pillow.

The smile of amusement as the figure closed the door was almost palpable before he walked over to the bed sitting on the edge, "Come on love."

"Nfvrcmnoutgan," Draco replied, still muffled by the pillow.

Harry smiled lying beside him and taking his hand

Draco lifted the pillow enough to peek out. "They destroyed... Finnigan couldn't have done it by himself, no, he had to get the seventh-years to help," he groaned. "I'll never be able to put it back to rights."

Harry peeked under it, "We'll get a new one." He soothed

"A new antique? Potter, you didn't drink enough, you're absolutely chipper. I demand you feel as miserable as I do," he flopped the pillow back down.

"I'll replace it for you then." He replied before shrugging, "Mustbe the age gap." He teased

Draco flicked him for that. "Uncalled for abuse of your elders, Potter - what DO they teach people in Gryffindor?"

Harry grinned, "You lost elder privelages when you decided to sleep with me."

"Lover privileges, then."

"Okay...you can have those." He whispered "So long as I get a new year kiss."

"I gave you one at the strike, didn't I?" Draco said, picking up the pillow and squinting at him.

"Yes...but this is a good morning it's daytime new years kiss."

"Where's my wand?" Draco asked.

"Umm..." Harry sat up looking around before picking it up off the floor handing it to him.

Draco pointed it at his mouth and uttered an incantation, before grabbing Harry's shirt and pulling him down into a kiss. Sans morning breath.

"mmmph!" Harry yelped in surprise before smiling leaning down and kissing him happily

Draco rolled onto his back, pulling Harry with him and kissing him a moment longer. "There, that satisfactory, Gorgeous/"?"

Harry smiled laying on him, "Mm that'll have to do handsome." He teased

"Picky," he complained. "What are you doing up?"

"Nothing, packing mostly." He murmured resting his chin on Draco's chest.

"Already? The holiday's not over until the kids are on the train back.

"They're holiday's not over but I do have to get back to work." He whispered.

"So live here with me, there's a floo."

Harry smiled softly, lying on him, "I could..." He whispered. "But I kinda like our flat." He murmured. "Well I mean mine but ours when you...you could live at mine>"

Draco smiled, "I do need to live here, too, sometimes, you know... You could.. live with me? This could be Our wing?"

Harry sighed pressing a kiss on his chest, "I kind of like having my own flat it feels more like my own home and when you're there and our daughter...well it feels more like a family."

"Okay," Draco replied, pushing a hand into Harry's mussy hair, "But I do have to live here when my son's home."

Harry nodded, "Alright...I suppose if you wanted we could stay here when he's home and come back to ours when he's at school,"

"I'd like that," Draco said softly.

Harry smiled, "Me too." He whispered with a ghost of a kiss.

Draco returned it, then went back to playing with Harry's hair, watching him. "A new year."

Harry smiled his fingers sliding over Draco's ribs as he nodded, "A new year with you...my first new year with you."

"Wonky interrelated time aside, yes," Draco chuckled.

Harry grinned "For me at least then." He whispered "Looks like I'll have to unpack again now."

"Let an elf do it, my hangover and I aren't ready to get out of bed just yet.

Harry smiled, "Want me to stay?" He asked

"That was the implication, I believe."

Harry smiled kissing his jaw, "But your hangover..."

"Could use some snuggling."

"I can do that." He replied kicking off his shoes and socks before crawling into bed.

Draco turned, curling into him, "Much better, Harry."

Harry smiled wrapping his arms around him, "You were pretty trashed last night by the end of it."

"Again, I blame Finnigan. Remind me not to drink whatever it was he brought, ever again."

Harry chuckled kissing him better gently, "Alright, I could've told you that before last night."

"Yes, well... it's still his fault," Draco replied stubbornly.

Harry stroked his arms his actions gentle. "Alright." He whispered indulgently

Draco smiled and threw an arm over his eyes to block out the light as he tangled his pyjama clad legs with Harry's jean ones. "Sleep."

His green eyes sparkled with amusement. "Alright." He echoed softly watching the blond's chest rise and fall.

"Happy New Year," Draco whispered, kissing Harry's chest through his shirt before drifting back off.

Harry smiled his arms erapped around him, "Happy new year." He whispered.

Harry smiled watching him as he slept before bringing his gaze to the ceiling his hands toying with the blond's hair as he slept, his own thoughts wondering about what the new year ahead would bring.

After a little while, Draco stirred. He really had slept more than long enough, but Harry was so solid and warm to nuzzle into.

Harry turned his head watching him, "Shhh sorry did I wake you?"

"Mm? No... why aren't you sleeping?"

"Not sleepy, had a shower earlier that always wakes me up."

"You certainly didn't drink enough, then." Draco yawned.

"Never really been that big of a drinker...I like my wits about me I guess."

"Hmmm," Draco tipped his head up and back a bit to look at him, considering. "I suppose you would."

Harry smiled a little and shrugged "sorry."

"Don't be, it's who you are. Pity I won't be able to get you drunk, though."

He smiled, "What would you need to get me drunk for?"

"Point, I wouldn't need to anymore, would I?" Draco replied thoughtfully, before he yawned again.

"You're still tired?" He asked softly

"It'll take me weeks to recover, but I suppose I can act a decent wizard now."

Harry smiled, "We can have a lazy day in bed today if you like?"

"Oh, that I would like very much, as I'm too comfortable to contemplate actually leaving the bed."

Harry smiled burying down again beside him, "Everyone else is probably doing the same anyway."

"Too much snow."

"Well not in here thankfully, I think it's nice." He murmured. "Cosy in here cold out there>"

"Cosy Potter-Cuddles in here, more like."

He grinned, "Nothing wrongwith those." He whispered cuddling him, "I thought you liked them."


"THen don't complain." He chuckled

"I wasn't complaining... I think."

Harry smiled and pulled him tight into the cuddle nuzzling his neck, one of his favourite passtimes at the moment was simply breathing him in.

Draco rested his hand on Harry's stomach, as he nuzzled back.

Harry's stomach jumped and he chuckled softly, "You know this is probably a bad example we're setting."


"Wasting the day away." He whispered giving a teasing kiss. "Although we can give a bad example now and then."

"I should say we've well earned the right to set a bad example on occasion," Draco replied, smirking.

Harry chuckled, "I'm allowed to be bad once in a while right?"

"You have more right than anyone," Draco laughed.

He grinned, "I know but...still." He chuckled. "Alright...if you say so."

"Of course I say so, and since I say so, it must be true."

"Must be...I'll not argue there." He whispered running his fingers through gorgeous fine blond strands.

"Mmmm..." Draco closed his eyes, smiling blissfully.

"You are stunning though." He mused softly "Maybe that's what it is. "

"What what is?" Draco asked, opening one eye to watch him.

"You're too gorgeous to be wrong." He mused playfully.

"Damn straight," Draco smirked, reaching one hand to play with Harry's hair as he closed his eyes again.

Harry's smile fell a little, this creature really was stunning...strange. he wondered when that thought had crept up on him. But now he had it, he couldn't deny it.

"It's a good thing your hair's untameable," Draco observed, still running his hand through dark tresses. "Means I can do this all I want, and no one's the wiser."

"hmm?" He whispered lost in thought.

"I get to play with your hair all I like," Draco said, a note of wonder in his voice as he opened his eyes, watching him. "So soft and untameable, and I can do this," he ran his hand through Harry's hair again, "because, for some reason, you let me."

"I let you because I..." he flushed softly "I..." He studied him, softly sleepy and mussed and the most perfect thing he's ever seen. "I love you."

Draco's eyes widened slightly, and he watched him, amazed. "You...."

He flushed and stared at him blinking softly before looking up at him and nodding ever so gently

Draco, struck speechless, pulled Harry into a kiss, soulful and deep, pouring his own love for the other man out in a way words failed him.

Harry sighed as he was pulled in so suddenly kissing him with new awareness pulling him close.

He held him close, tangling their limbs, making no move to undress either of them. This wasn't about sex, no... this was something deeper, this was love, and showing Harry through this kiss just how much he loved him in return.

Harry's eyes closed his hands running over this flighty slender thing pulling him close in the bed.


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