I need to go Shopping

Aug 14, 2004 20:56


LOL! Most people might not know what Im talking about, lol. A taper is a cone (longer come) shaped piece of material (usually clay, steel, or plastic/lucite). This particular device is used in the process of streching piercings. I have been too lazy to buy one...ive been doing most of my streching the hard way. Basically Ive been taking the earring and shoving it through, which causes EXTREME discomfort for a time. But it has come to the point where i cant just do that anymore. As of now my first holes are a 2g, I had just purchased some 0g flares (they look like plugs, but it looks like a shell and the end (that sticks out at the front of the ear) it's flared out , hence, the name flares =). But I was doing it the HARDER way, in which i was doing like when I first started streching. I just shove as many bigger guaged earrings as I can fit, but it was hurting. So i took those out carefully, but fast. And I tried getting the 0g in, nuh uh, no fucking way, lol. Those bitches wouldnt budge, so I have the 2g resting in there for now until I can get my hands on a taper. Hopefully I can get one when I hang with Jon for my bday (aug, 22), and I might be getting my traygus's pierced too =D *cheers* I need a new piercing, it's been well over a year since my last piercing (my left cartialage, bottom), that hurt too. So Im gunna have painful ears for the next month, so I'll have to watch out at the PR concert so no one smacks into them. My mom doesnt want me to get them...but i told her it's free, which it is. Jon is trainging to be a piercer, so he said that i just need to provide the earrings then Im set, lol.

But that's what i mainly what i wanted to talk about. will write a few more times, hopefully before the concert
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