I Can Haz New Job?

Jul 10, 2008 22:23

I had my second interview/meeting to see how I do tagging along today with Rewards Network with the Account Exec in CT and it went well and she said she got a good feeling from me and was going to call the Exec I had my first interview with and he would get in touch with me ( I had watched her renew a contract with an Italian restaurant owner, and the Exec was Italian, and so am I so it was rather informal discussion)
So I'm going to assume this means I have the job. Which would be lovely, especially if I can start ASAP in lieu of Otakon being like 27 days away (I don't forsee them having an issue since I only report into the office once a week, most of the job is on the road/working individually from home) and me wanting to actually HAVE money for Otakon this year. And then there's those damn pesky bills I have. So I would like to start ASAP in the instance that like EVERYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH they pay bi-weekly and I'd have to wait 2 weeks or so to get paid. And also since I didn't work at my current job today in the teeshirt sweatshop, I did NOT feel terribly and crappy and weak. So getting away from that would be nice.

So yay!

And my friend Will totally discovered Zero Punctuation and the wonder that is Yahtzee's reviews and there was much enjoyment of those today before dinner. I'm still trying to get him into Penny Arcade.

zero punctuation/yahtzee is the man, penny arcade, job, otakon

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