Sequence from the 1992 film Orlando. Music by Jimmy Somerville

Sep 27, 2016 16:15

Оригинал взят у tec_tecky в Sequence from the 1992 film Orlando. Music by Jimmy Somerville

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I am coming! I am coming!
I am coming through!
Coming across the divide to you

In this moment of unity
feeling an ecstacy
to be here, to be now
At last I am free

Yes at last, at last
to be free of the past
and the future that beckons me

I am coming! I am coming!
Here I am!
Neither a woman, nor a man

We are joined, we are one
With the human face
We are joined, we are one
With the human face

[I am on earth...]
I am on earth

And I am in outer space
I'm being born and I am dying

I am on earth
And I am in outer space
I'm being born and I am dying

I am coming! I am coming!
I am coming through!
Coming across the divide to you

In this moment of unity
feeling an ecstacy
to be here, to be now
At last I am free!

Yes at last, at last
to be free of the past
and the future that beckons me

Yes at last, at last
to be free of the past
and the future that beckons me

I am coming! I am coming!
Here I am!
Neither a woman, nor a man

Oh we are joined, we are one
with the human face
Oh we are joined, we are one
with the human face

At last I am free!
At last I am free!

I am on earth
And I am in outer space
I'm being born and I am dying

I am on earth
And I am in outer space
I'm being born, I am dying

At last I am free!
At last I am free!!!

Yes at last, at last, at last I'm free!

Yes at last, at last, at last I'm free!

Я иду сквозь преграды, что нас разлучают. Я иду.
Будет чудным мгновение встречи с тобой.
Ты свободна, пусть сгинут печали.
С нами вечный Всевышний правит нашей судьбой.
Всех забот время сброшено, ты свободна от прошлого.
Я иду. Я с тобой.
И мужчина, и женщина - всё слилось в человечестве.
И мужчина, и женщина - человеческий лик.
Суеты время сброшено. Отречёмся от прошлого.
На земле и на небе мы блаженны с тобой.
Умирая, рождаемся, хоть рождаемся смертными.
Всё слилось в человечестве. Этот мир так велик.

трилогия, ЭДЖЕРЛИ-ХОЛЛ

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