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Apr 15, 2016 15:10

Оригинал взят у tec_tecky в Один слог и...
Steampunk and Time Travel - Silent Meridian reveals the alternate histories of Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells, Houdini, and Jung. An X Files for the 19th Century.

Now on Kickstarter

“How to describe Silent Meridian by Elizabeth Crowens? It’s time travel, magic, and high-pressure Steampunk excitement. It’s literary giants meeting fabulous fictional characters for historical adventure and mad bursts of futuristic drama. It’s a fantastic and fantastical entertainment. So, like our intrepid hero, John Patrick Scott, sit yourself down in your ‘thinking chair’ and let him crank up the time machine. He had to invent his. All you have to do is open this terrific book.”
William Martin, New York Times Bestselling Author of Back Bay and The Lincoln Letter

Первообраз, трилогия, Послеобраз, Все о том же — другими словами, ЭДЖЕРЛИ-ХОЛЛ, Эджерли-Холл, Ноосфера

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