Mar 20, 2009 15:33
In the end, Juan did end up coming last Thursday. So far the week has gone smoothly, although he speaks very little English, less than my mom was lead to believe, actually. Still everything is going well at this point, and I just hope things continue to go well. Other than that, my mom came across a house for sale that she really likes. She wants it enough to make an offer and settle by June, except we haven't sold our current house yet. So she's made up her mind to keep both houses (if she gets the other one) until this one eventually gets sold. Unfortunately, that plan requires extra money, and I no longer have the luxury of just looking for a journalism related job. So I've been spending some time putting in applications for part-time jobs around the neighborhood.
Unfortunately, the only things to be found around here are retail related and retail isn't doing that great. And jobs were never easy to come by in the city (which led me to my current job out in the suburbs) but I'm sure if I keep looking, I'll find something. I've only managed to put in a handful of applications, but I hope to get the ball rolling shortly. With luck, I might be able to keep my internship at Philadelphia Weekly too, but that might be wishful thinking on my part.
Other than the stress of having to find a job so soon (on top of the UPS one), I've been attempting to relax while at home. Doing so isn't easy when my mom has the habit of calling me five to six times a day, almost everyday to do small things around the house. It really makes me wonder who's going to do these things in my place when I finally do get extra work. Also, she has a bad habit of calling me when she knows I'm busy at work, while cell phones are a no-no at UPS and I don't keep one on me, she insists on calling me at the internship. I fear when I do get a job I might be better off leaving my cell phone hidden in my car, and just giving her the work number strictly for emergencies. Ugh, no wonder I'm not a big phone person, it's really annoying to be called so many times per day about the same things over and over again.